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tv   Today  NBC  March 21, 2013 7:00am-11:00am PDT

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chuck todd is traveling with him. he's in ramallah this morning. chuck, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. president obama is in the west bank today. it's his latest attempt to try to jump-start the middle east peace process. but judging by what was said today, it's clear that both sides are still negotiating whether to negotiate. touching down, the president got a stark reminder. militants in gaza, the other palestinian territory fired two rockets. while no one was injured, the president immediately condemned the attack. >> we condemn this violation of the important cease-fire that protects both israelis and palestinians, a violation that hamas has a responsibility to prevent. >> reporter: president obama is hoping to jump-start the peace
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process with separate one-on-one meeting with prime minister netanyahu and president abbas. getting the two sides to talk together is a challenge. >> the only way to begin the conversations is that we get everything right at the outset, or at least each party is constantly negotiating about what's required to get into talks in the first place. then we're never going to get to the broader issue. >> reporter: during his joint press conference with netanyahu, the president admitted he could have done a better job in his first term. >> i'm absolutely sure there are a host of things i could have done that would have been more deft and created better optics, but ultimately this is a really hard problem. >> reporter: another problem -- iran. the two leaders took pains to make it clear they are on the same diplomatic page, the prime minister agrees with the president's recent assessment
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that iran is at least a year away from developing nuclear weapons. >> i'm absolutely convinced that the president is determined to prevent iran from getting nuclear weapons. >> i will repeat, all options are on the table, we will do what is necessary to preconvenient iran from getting the world's worst weapons. >> reporter: one other piece of news from the press conference with abbas, president obama said that settlement expansion by the israelis is not helpful and know productive for the peace process. however, he said to the palestinians, it should not stand in the way for negotiating. the message is don't expect a settlement freeze first before sitting down and negotiating. he spend the rest of the day doing some cultural things in the west bank, then a big speech to the israeli public in an attempt to improve his. thank you, closer to home, a manhunt is under way in colorado after the director of the
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department of corrections was shot and killed at his own front door. investigators are looking to see if an excon would be to blame. kristin, what can you tell us this morning? >> reporter: good morning, savannah. with more that 20,000 inmates in colorado's prison systems, he may have had a lot of enemies, but could one have come here and shot him dead? it's what investigators are looking into this morning. in an upscale neighborhood outside denver, a desperate manhunt for a brazen killer who took his crime to the state's highest levels, shooting tom clements, the head of the colorado department of corrections in clements' own home. >> tom clements dedicated his life to being a public servant, to making our state better, to making the world a better place. he is going to be deeply, deeply missed. >> reporter: but while security was beefed up at the colorado governor's mansion as a
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presauce, authorities say they still have no suspect or motive. >> we're sensitive to the fact that there could be any number of people who may have a motive for wanting to target him for a crime such as this. >> reporter: since 2011, klemmants over -- clements oversaw 20 prisons. for 31 years before that, he worked in missouri's prison system. his wife lisa oversees colorado's two psychiatric hospitals and other mental health centers. the sheriff's department says they are looking at her position, as well. >> and our investigators continue to make sure they're sensitive to any information that would come through those channels as well. >> reporter: clements was shot at his front door. >> somebody rang the doorbell, the husband answered and was shot. >> reporter: a neighbor told police they saw a car left running outside just minutes before the murder. they're also hoping that a woman comes forward who was seen walking in the area around the same time. >> she may have been walking along colonial park drive around
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8:30 last night, which is a key time frame for us. so we're interested in speaking with her, as well. >> reporter: now, clements was involved in several high-profile cases recently. police say they are looking into everything. meanwhile, colorado's prison system has temporarily been put on a modified lockdown in the wake of the shooting, savannah. >> kristen dahlgren, thank you very much. >> surprising they wouldn't have had security around someone with that position's home. >> you would think so, but apparently not. >> let's get a check of the other top stories this morning from natalie who is actually now talking about the possible use of chemical weapons in syria. >> that's right. ng, everyone. also on the first state visit to israel, the president is speaking out about the civil war in syria as the u.s. investigates whether or not chemical weapons have been deployed in the crisis-stricken country. andrea mitchell is in jerusalem now with the latest. good morning, andrea. >> reporter: good morning. well, the president is telling
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israel it will protect it from any use of chemical weapons and also warning the assad regime that it would be a major incident, that if the assad regime were to use chemicals, it would be taking military steps against it. but there is no evident yet, according to u.s. officials here today, that that actually happened on tuesday. that incident, it could have been some form of noxious gas that was used for crowd control by the regime. but the president said in a joint news conference with prime minister netanyahu yesterday that there's absolutely no evidence and he completely rejects the regime's contentions that it was the opposition that used those chemicals. >> i am deeply skeptical of any claim that, in fact, it was the opposition that used chemical weapons. the broader point is that once we establish the facts, i have made clear that the use of chemical weapons is a game
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changer. >> reporter: the u.n. is investigating the incident. and congressional sources say that the intelligence committees have been briefed and that the administration has full authority to get militarily involved if chemical weapons, if there's any proof of chemical weapons. and in fact, that would be as the president has said, a game-changer. it would be the first u.s. military involvement in this conflict in the two-year conflict. natalie? >> andrea mitchell in jerusalem for us this morning, thank you, andrea. u.s. officials tell nbc news this morning that new threats out of north korea are largely bluster. pyongyang says it will attack u.s. military bases in japan and guam, in response to joint u.s./south korean military exercises. a internet attack on tuesday has been traced to a chinese internet address. but those addresses can be easily manipulated, meaning the exact source of the hack still remains uncertain. a budget plan with sweeping cuts is on its way to the house
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for approval today. the spending bill would keep the government up and running through the end of september, but it would still mean job furloughs for some hundreds of thousands of federal workers, including air traffic controllers in smaller facilities nationwide. the measure passed the senate on wednesday. and if sharing is caring, well, this guy isn't scoring any high points with his girlfriend. as caught on a fan cam at the magic versus pacers game earlier this week. watch as she tries to grab a bite of his ice cream cone. she gets denied. the announcers notice her losing her patience. circling her angry reactions, even giving the play-by-play on live tv. but finally, he gives in and lets her have a bite. no word on whether or not she showed good humor. >> that's bad. that's bad. >> hey, i didn't write it, i just read it. >> feeling the deep freeze at home later. >> speaking of the deep freeze, nice segue. when al is here on the first full day of spring, he often
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brings real warm weather. it's cold and it's spring. >> it is. last year it was like 70 degrees on the first day of spring. so i'm not doing so hot. but i looked, march 31st, temperatures might moderate, might get in the 50s in the northeast, at least. we are certainly going to see that spring chill for the first full day of spring. windchills are below zero in so many areas across the northern plains, back across the great lakes. we are going to have that windchill feel like it's below zero for most of the morning. if you don't know anything about the jet stream, know this is not the pattern you want for spring. this is bringing much below normal temperatures all the way down to the southeast. we had freeze warnings across south carolina and into georgia. you can see some snow is going to move back into missouri as we go through the day. and we'll have your local forecast right after this.
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so peel it open. stir it up. and raise a cup to the real. z. >> 7:12 on a thursday morning. beautiful sunrise. this is coming in from our san bruno camera. you can see how clear our air quality is and our pollen levels have dropped off significantly. we are going to see springlike conditions temperaturewise. 67, livermore. 67, gilroy. we continue the warmup from tuesday into wednesday. your latest forecast. >> thank you very much. we have an nbc news exclusive this morning on a proposal to spend 10s of millionoffs your tax dollars to up grade the military prison at guantanamo
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bay, cuba. here's michael isikoff. >> guantanamo, the prison that president obama once vowed to shut down, is still up and running and the new general in charge wants another $150 million to overhaul the fucya y facility. all this while detainees are engaged in a hunger strike. 166 detainees remain at gitmo at a cost of $100 million each. despite improvements in recent years including a new soccer field, the top general acknowledges the detainees' hopes of getting releases were crushed when president obama stopped talking about closing it. >> nothing in the inauguration speech about closing in, nothing in the state of union. he's not restaffing the office that was focused on closing or transferring. >> kelly described the hunger strike now involving 25 detainees as an attempt to regain attention. white house officials say they're still committed to
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closing gitmo as the president once promised. >> guantanamo will be closed no later than one year from now. >> but they say the hands are tied by congress and to prepare for the long haul, officials tell nbc news general kelly wants to spend tens of millions for a new guards barracks, dining hall, and new conference center. the pentagon is already spending $40 million for an underwater fiber optic cable to pipe video of the military commission hearings of the 9/11 hijackers. gitmo seems to be the one place they don't seem to care about spending money. for "today" michael isikoff. >> we're getting a first look at a revolutionary surgery out of the ronald reagan ucla medical center that helped one man breathe again. dr. nancy snyderman has the story. >> wait until you see this video. a man became the first american to be part of a worldwide trial that has the potential to change the way we do organ transplants.
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at 57, fernando walks two miles every day. something that just months ago he was unable to do. diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis in 2010, his only hope was a double lung transplant. >> all i could do was sit down and watch tv and my wife had to do everything for me. >> tethered to oxygen 24 hours a day, his wife said he had trouble doing the smallest things. >> just to pick up his plate, put it in the sink from here to there, it was a struggle. >> but in november, doctors at ucla medical center found a match, and fernando became the first patient in the united states to under go a surgery that placed breathing lungs into his chest. the former construction worker who helped build ucla's hospital, now entrusted its doctors to help rebuild him. >> i'm all about technology. if you want to transport lungs
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in a new way, let's do it. i'm all about going forward. >> rather than arriving on ice, the organ was transported in a box, kept warm, and pumping from donor to recipient. >> it makes intuitive sense that instead of putting an organ on ice, you want to keep it with the blood circulating. you want to keep it giving oxygen, you want to keep it warm. >> today, the grandfather of ten has a renewed energy that keeps him motivated. >> i feel good, you know. i used to walk around this block right here, used to take me about 40, 50 minutes to walk it. now i can walk that block in probably 15 minutes. >> perhaps mr. padilla said it best, why put an organ on ice and then wake it up when you can just keep it warm and pumping and normal and then just put it in a new body? i think he probably said it better than anyone. this is a worldwide trial and i think it's going to change transplant medicine. >> it is a sight to behold. >> i was nervous about it. i was reading the sdricript and
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said, i wonder if these images are going to gross people out, but it's amazing. >> and that's beautiful. what a lucky man. >> we want to go back to the president's trip to the middle east for a moment. the president and benjamin netanyahu, as we know, don't always agree. >> but during their news conference on wednesday, both men felt that one persistent reporter happens to be our own chuck todd, pushing his luck after he asked not one, not two, not three, but four questions. take a look. >> mr. president, i want to follow up a little bit on the peace process. mr. prime minister, i want to help out my colleague and then another question i had for you. >> chuck, how many have you got? you see how the young lady from channel one, she had one question? she was very well behaved chuck. >> i have one for you. >> these are muted questions. >> passover starts in a couple days. i get four questions, right. >> this is not a kosher
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question, but don't hog it. >> chuck, you're incowerageable. >> sum up the news that just emerged from the event. >> chuck todd included dietary law, passover in his question is news and significant and something they'll be talking about in jerusalem. >> well, chuck, we didn't have your best line there, when the president was saying you're asking too many questions. you noted it was in fact passover so you were asking the four questions. >> well, you know, savannah, why was that press conference different than all of the other press conferences? at most press conferences, the president asked six questions. at this press conference, just four. normal "today" show hits, you dip into me once. >> actually, we're going to call this to a close right now, also. you're filibustering here as well. >> exactly. the only thing different, chuck,
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was your defense. usually you say it's one question with four parts. this case, you had religious reasons. >> well done. we're part of you. >> it really was only three questions. >> he's still going. >> coming up, does the punishment fit the crime? what one teenager did that led to his arrest and a six-month ban from saying the word bingo. >> and a remarkable discovery off the coast of florida tied to the apollo mission that landed the first humans on the moon. we'll go live to the kennedy space center for more on that. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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coming up, think your private information is safe and secure? wait until you see what someone can learn about you with a computer and about 15 minutes to spare. >> and makeup makeovers for mature women, live in our studio after your local news. [ elizabeth ] i like to drink orange juice
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but the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down, and you can't grow your enamel back. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel, because it helps to strengthen the enamel. and i believe it's doing a good job.
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otherworldly things. but there are some things i've never seen before. this ge jet engine can understand 5,000 data samples per second. which is good for business. because planes use less fuel, spend less time on the ground and more time in the air. suddenly, faraway places don't seem so...far away. ♪ ohh, i lost count. what'cha doing, richard? how does grandpa do it? do what, richard? how does he get so many strawberries in a jar? you'll figure it out. [ male announcer ] tim and richard smucker grew up knowing that if you want jam to taste irresistible it has to be packed with lots of delicious fruit.
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i don't even know how he gets peaches in there. [ male announcer ] for five generations, with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. ♪ [ female announcer ] with its rich, silky smooth taste there's magic in every piece of dove® dark chocolate. ♪ triple berry, and strawberry shortcake coffees?
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it's beginning to taste a lot like spring. try dunkin' donuts' spring flavors. pick some up where you buy groceries before they're gone. america runs on dunkin'. i found our colors. we've made a decision. great, let's go get you set up... you should check out our workshops... push your color boundaries while staying well within your budget walls. i want to paint something else. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. behr premium plus interior paint, only at the home depot. and now only $23.46 a gallon.
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it is 7:26. good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley. an arrest warrant has been issued for a bay area baseball coach accused of molesting a teenage boy. the contra costa district attorney's office charging 52-year-old joel kaufman with molestation and secretly videotaping another boy undressing in a bathroom. he was arrested in august for the same thing but never charged. kaufman now lives in orinda and has coached baseball teams all over the bay area, most recently the california smoke baseball club. he is also tied to palo alto high school and bishop o'dowd in oakland. it is not known if the two victims played on any of his teams. anybody with information is urnled to please call orinda police. let's take a look at the thursday forecast and say good morning to christina loren. high. >> just wanted to start by showing you how crystal clear it is out there. a beautiful start to the day. highs today will be mild.
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it will be in the mid to upper 60s. 67 inland, 62, bayside. temperatures in the low 70s. we're going to cool off next week and bring the rain back tuesday into wednesday. let's check out the rush-hour drive. let me show you 880 from hayward heading down. a slow drive off the castrol valley "y" path. clearing by the time you get to mission. the northbound route through san jose, 280 over the last 20 minutes. a big change in 17, slowing northbound. idyllwild into los gatos, things are clear all lanes. >> appreciate it. we will have another local update in one half hour from right now. the "today" show coming back at you.
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what's the best thing about being a parent, as she prepares to become one herself. she also ask eed us about the wisdom our moms passed on to us and she's going to share what she learned coming up. meanwhile, 7:30, march 31st, 2013. i'm matt lauer alongside savannah guthrie. >> coming up, the makeup artist who made it here to work her magic on five ladies. >> and then the personal treasures of david cassidy going
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up for auction, and it's for a very good cause. the man himself will be here to tell us all about that in just a little while. >> we're going to begin this half hour with a kentucky teenager charged with disorderly conduct for a prank that some hard-core gamers didn't find funny. >> good morning, here's a live lesson for all of us. don't mess with bingo, ladies. one mischievous teen learned that the hard way. he disrupted a very serious bingo match and got slapped with cuffs. >> for 18-year-old austin, what may have seemed like a harmless prank spelled trouble. last month, the teen walked into a local bingo hall in his home town of covington, kentucky, and did the unthinkable. he yelled out bingo! the hall was filled with mostly elderly women, and according to an off duty office, quote, when they realized it wasn't a real bijo, they started hooting and
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hollering and cussing. people take their bingo serious. that's that's when things got serious for him. >> grabbed my hand, hand cuffs me, and takes me to the back of his cruiser. >> the officer arrested him and issued a citation for second degree misconduct. though the teen faced up to 90 days in jail and a $250 fine, the judge didn't throw the book at the bingo bandit. his punishment -- for starters, he can no longer walk by the bingo hall and he's also been ordered to think before speaking. he can't say the word bingo for six months. >> i try to say it backwards, like, obing, or something along the lines of that. kids out there, don't say mingo in the mingo hall. >> now, the officer who arrested him said the offense was no different than yelling fire in a crowded theater. if he stays out of trouble for the next six months, and that includes not saying the
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forbidden word, the judge says the disorderly conduct charges will be dismissed. >> it's crazy. not fire in a crowded theater. >> more like walking into the movie "the hangover" and saying what happens to doug at the end? >> i don't know if he learned his lesson. >> i think the judge had fun with it. >> now to the discovery of an american artifact from what many people consider to be one of america's top achievements. a team believes they have found two of the engines from apollo 11, the rocket that first landed man on the moon. kerry sanders is at the kennedy space center. fill us in. >> good morning, matt. 44 years later and the apollo missions are still captivating our imagination. that's the mammoth saturn five rocket there. as you look on the back there, those are the f-1 engines, five in each stage. as the rocket would leave earth's gravity, it would
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release those stages and the engines would fall back to earth, splashing into the ocean, disappearing forever, until now. three miles deep in the ocean, lost until now. two saturn rocket engines from america's space program. >> three, two, one. >> engines that lifted a nation in a space race with the soviet union. >> we have a liftoff. >> to this day, the engines that thundered the apollo missions to space are the most powerful ever built. >> it's a go. engines, looking good. >> and as the world watched in wonder in 1969, a little boy from miami tucked away a question. what happened to the engines that fell back to earth? that was jeff, the same jeff beezose who founded amazon and became a billionaire and funded the search for the apalo 11 engines. he wreets in a blog, we have seen an underwater wonderland,
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an incredible sculptor garden of twisted f-1 engines that tells the story of a fiery and violent end, one that serves testament to the apalo program. the discovery was made 360 miles oo east of the launch pad. >> liftoff, we have a liftoff, 32 minutes past the hour. liftoff on apollo 11. >> it was a magic moment in that country's history, no question about it. >> why do some believe this artifact, if it is from apollo laesk, to be so special? >> it was the last great american venture. apollo reaching the moon. >> one small step for man. >> and today, anything that we can get from that era, from those flights and especially the first flight that landed on the moon, is fantastic for the american people to have. >> now, it's expected that those engines that have been recovered will be brought back into a port not far from where i am. nasa has congratulated bezos,
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what will he do with these american artifacts? likely, he'll eventually put them on display. >> great story. nice to see jay, also. a legend in his own right. >> let's get a check of the weather from dylan drier in for a al this week. >> we should have told this girl that al is not here today. it's a good thing your l looks a lot like an h. >> i sneezed so that's why. >> we're okay. we can still say hi to lima, ohio. we're good and it is good and cold in some parts of the midwest. snow is still in the forecast, and we have snow falling all through nebraska, moving into kansas. we also have snow that is going to take hold in missouri as well. because of that, we have winter weather advisories, wibtder storm warnings on effect in this full day of spring. we could see 2 to 5 inches and end up with 5 inches or more. it looks like more of a newance
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snow in the midwest today. lake effect snow is going to be an issue with heavier snow now, here is a peek out your window. 7:37. you made it through the rain, to thursday. you have a good-looking day shaping up. taking a live look out toward hayward, partly to mostly cloudy conditions persist. not for long. clearing skies throughout the day and highs that are down right comfortable. 67, inland. bayside, 62 at the coast. 68 degrees. we are going to warm you up into the weekend into the 70s. a beautiful, springlike weekend shaping up. monday into tuesday, the rain arrives. late tuesday into wednesda
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right now, it is 7:56. good morning. i'm jon kelley. extra police will be on hand at air gone high school in san
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mateo because of a threat of violence posted online. it was posted anonymously on the facebook confession page yesterday. this is where the students go to post their problems and wait to hear back from other students about potential solutions. police are not releasing the exact content of the threat. the high school says it is taking the hoax very seriously. gentlemen, we ayes, we are to the weekend. what does it look like outside, christina? it looks like a start to a summer day. spectacular clarity here. we are still partly to mostly cloudy in the south bay, 67 in gilroy, 66 in santa teresa and 64 in fremont. temperatures keep on climbing as we get into the upcoming weekend. friday, tomorrow, 70 degrees. let's check your drive. good morning, mike. >> not quite so bright. still, well-lit and dry rhodes. 280 at 880/17.
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slowing right there in the middle of your screen where the red and orange is. north 87 slows and worse as it is coming into downtown. it crashes north of alma. then, your southbound direction through fremont recovering after an earlier crash has recovered. coming up at 8:26, another local update. we hope to see you then.
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yep. >> 8:00 now on this thursday morning, march 21st 2013. this is the first full day of spring. if you recognize the music, matt. >> lower here. what? >> family theme song. >> we're playing that. we'll explain why in a few minutes. >> when you stop and think about what you did learn from your mom over the years. there are an awful lot of lessons. all of them valuable. we're sharing some of the lessons we learned from our moms with mom to be jenna bush hager. there she is right there. we'll get to that in a couple of minutes. >> and we see make-up tips from time to time, often for younger women. what about mature women? what are some of the best ways to make them look younger? what are some of the great things everyone can do at home. we did an online video.
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it was a huge hit and she's going to show us how she does it with lovely ladies right there in our studio. and david cassidy, there's the reason going back to the partridge family music we played a little while ago. he's going to join us this morning and tell us why he has decided to auction off some of the great memorabilia from his fabulous career. we'll check in with david in just a couple of minutes. >> get your checkbook out. but first, let's get to natalie with a check of today's top stories. good morning, everyone. president obama met with palestinian officials on the second day of his trip to the middle east. he held a joint news conference this morning with palestinian authority mahmoud abbas in the bank city of ramallah. president obama said the u.s. remains committed to creating an independent palestinian state. on wednesday, he reassured israel that the bonds with the u.s. are unbreakable. officials in colorado don't know if the murder of the state's prison director was related to his job.
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tom clements was shot tuesday after answering the doorbell near his home in colorado springs. police have no suspects and said robbery did not appear to be the motive. they have increased security for other state officials including the governor. an idaho man charged with slapping a crying toddler on a flight from minneapolis to atlanta last month pleaded not guilty wednesday. his attorney said 60-year-old john hunley does admit to making an offensive racist comment but denies slapping the 19-month-old boy. his attorney says he was under stress because he was flying to atlanta where his son was dying. an experimental leukemia treatment genetically alters a person's own immune cells to fight the cancer. the treatment was used on five adults with acute leukemia who tried chemotherapy. the treatment did not work for all of them. but for one patient who was severely ill, all traces of the
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disease apparently vanished in eight days. and now for a look at what's trending today. our quick round-up of what has you talking online. lindsey vonn's new role as tiger woods' girlfriend. it features vonn recreating sharon stone's infamous leg crossing scene from the movie "basic instinct." meantime, tiger says the couple finally went public with the relationship to keep the paparazzi from stalking them. a pair of internet milestones will have you wondering how we used to spend our spare time. twitter is marking its seventh birthday today with a video that features some of the events that made words like re-tweet and hash tag part of our culture. and youtube announced wednesday that it now has 1 billion visitors to its site each month. good news, of course, forti advertisers and customers who need their daily animal fix. and tina fey dusted off the
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sarah palin impersonation she made famous on saturday night live to answer tough questions on inside the actors studio. >> i believe that if everybody had guns, then there would be fewer guns in the stores. >> same-sex marriage, what is your view on that? >> well, the bible says it's gross. marriage is meant for people who wear different kinds of swim suits. >> and when asked if she had any hair styling tips for women, tina's palin answered that she's a fan of the bump-it. she does that so well. 8:04 right now. let's go out for another check of your weather. >> nothing wrong with the bump-it, right? builds up the volume. i love this sign here. it's just saying alaska. speaks for itself, right? and i guess that explains why you have no gloves on. yeah, you can handle the cold.
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take a look at our pick city of the day today. colorado springs, news 5, koaa. cloudy and breezy with a few showers, 59 degrees. i would love 59 degrees right now. we are going to see some snow showers move into areas across kansas and nebraska today, it is going to move east into missouri, especially central and northern missouri where we could end up with a few inches of snow. about 2 to 5 inches, rain, though, down through oklahoma, moving into arkansas and ice is possible across northern arkansas. so it could be very slippery out that way. more lake effect snow showers continue in and around the great lakes. and a few lighter flurries possible in new york city and light snow showers, maybe a couple inches, inch or two down across southeastern massachusetts later on today. 77, though, in southern florida, 82 today for a high in southern texas. and snow showers back into montana too. 8:06 on a thursday morning. you are so close to the weekend now. we have a beautiful weekend shaping up.
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and today we're going to hit highs on track with our seasonal averages. this is oakland, great visibility, full sunshine already at 8:06. 67 degrees on the way to gilroy. 62 degrees in san francisco. getting into the weekend, the 70s return. we'll peak on sunday at 73 inland. pollen levels down for the next few days. more rain tuesday into wednesday. >> and that is your latest forecast. savannah? >> dylan, thank you so much. coming up, we will pass on what we learned from our moms to our mom to be jenna bush-hager. and then make-up artist to the stars. you can take years off your look. then, windows that wow. the secret to getting that sparkle without the streaks. and look, david cassidy's going to help us do it. we'll talk to him too right after this. [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego.
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prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made? [ club scene music ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. [ chuckles ] isn't easter fun, red? [ grunts ] not from my perspective! ♪
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this is so so soft. hey hun, remember you only need a few sheets. hmph! [ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft is so soft you'll have to remind your family they can use less. ♪ charmin ultra soft is made with extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent. plus you can use four times less. hope you saved some for me. mhmm! you and the kids. we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft.
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as your life and career change, fidelity is there for your personal economy, helping you readjust your retirement plan along the way. rethink how you're invested. and refocus as your career moves forward. wherever you are today, a fidelity ira has a wide range of investment choices to help you fine-tune your personal economy. call today and we'll make it easy to move that old 401(k) to a fidelity no-fee ira. ♪ back now at 8:10 with "today's" baby bump and words of wisdom for all the moms to be including our own contributing correspondent jenna bush-hager. welcome back. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> feeling good? >> hanging in there. as i prepare for one of life's
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greatest journeys, mother hood, i asked some people i love to tell me what they learned from their moms. >> tell me what type of mom you had growing up. >> i had a mom who gave us a lot of slack. i think she had faith in us or at least she pretended she had faith in us. as a result, we never wanted to disappoint her. >> she was always the person at the door that greeted you and made you feel great. no matter how hard your day was, she, you know, wrapped her arms around you and made you feel like, you know, that life and everything was going to be okay. >> she was very empathetic. she's very generous, full of charity. so i think the one thing i got from her was to always think of other people before you do something. >> my mom was the mom with two pom-poms in hand. she thought it was the best no matter what i did. i drew a line on the paper, i was like, i want to be an astronaut, of course you can. >> all my life, i just watched
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her. and i think tried to be like her. she has seen a lot of hard stuff in her life. and my dad passed away when i was a teenager. there were moments in her life that i think must have been so terrifying and yet she handled with everything with just such strength. >> even the most mild mannered person, i think, becomes a lion or lioness if their child was threatened. i went to a catholic school in queens. and i know the worst sight for any of the nuns was seeing isabelle roker coming up with head of steam because of some perceived slight to one of her children. >> what are some of your favorite memories growing up with her? >> i'll never forget one time she found a gray hair and i said do you want me to pluck it? and she said, no, i earned this. she just has taught me so much about how to handle life with grace. >> my parents divorced when i was 8, my sister was 12 or 13.
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so i think my favorite memories of my mom after that time were about how she made sure we were okay. she made us feel secure and safe and sure of the future. and i thought that was an extraordinary gift she gave us. >> you have such an amazing disposition on life. and in hard times you got through with beating cancer. >> yes. >> do you think you get that strength from her? >> everything. everything from her. every single -- i think good thing about me is from her. >> what's the best part of being a dad? >> experiencing the world through their eyes. little things. fourth of july fireworks. and instead of looking up at the sky like everybody else, you look down at your kids and look at their faces. >> nothing in life actually prepares you for how much you're going to like them as people. i would rather be with my children than any human beings on the planet.
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people always say you'll never experience a greater love in your life than the love of your children and that is so true. >> what's it like watching your wife transform from your wife to a mother? >> it's a wonderful experience to watch transforming to this super mom. and i honestly think she may be the best mom i've ever seen tied with my own mom and your mom. >> so, mom, what did you learn from grammy about being a mom? >> well, my mother was really perfect as a mother. my mother loved to read and she read to me all the time and stories became a big part of my life, my whole life. i mean, i made my career out of it and became a librarian really. >> what's the best part of being a mom? >> daddy and i brought home you and barbara two itty bitty premature babies, didn't know anything about children had this idealized view of the four of us sitting on the couch. instead you all cried and daddy would say, what's the matter
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with them? and i would say i don't know what's the matter with them. and time does pass so quickly. really take advantage of every moment and try to remember those special moments that you have with your children. because before you know it, they're 31 and having children of their own. >> i cry at everything. >> i know. >> you were crying too. >> oh, stop it. we're all crying. >> we can't even do the tag. but i learned so many beautiful things from you guys and i'm sure every mom watching did too. and it's amazing how our moms and our dads are our first teachers. thank you. >> seeing this much water pour since "cool hand luke." >> hormones epicenter right now. >> it's coming from here. >> i know. >> i feel it for sure. >> thank you so much. >> thanks, jenna. and now we move on to a
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video that's become a sensation online for mature women. we're going to meet the women behind it in a moment. but first with the story, here's nbc's michelle kosinski. >> reporter: her videos are straightforward enough. >> i'm going to do a make-up tutorial today for more mature ladies. >> reporter: thing is, she means it. in a world full of anti-aging ads, young women with barely a line, lisa decided to tackle real wrinkles. age spots. >> i chose a model that didn't have a face with botox with a woman in her 60s without any ted with so many people. >> reporter: and her results with the reaction. >> i love it. i'm really amazed. so good. >> reporter: instantly captured the excitement of hundreds of thousands of women online. >> young people leaving comments saying things like, oh, this made me less afraid of aging.
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>> reporter: for us in her london home, she took it a step further with her model yvonne. >> a psychological facelift or something. >> reporter: lisa gives the tips to avoid the pitfalls of wearing too much or too little. starting with a tinted moisturizer. >> it doesn't attempt to paper over the cracks. it's about evening out the skin tone. >> and that's where i think people go wrong. >> it looks fabulous on drag queens, you know, to have that completely blanked out look. >> reporter: her best advice, thin layers of foundation and concealer later. >> i'm going to use a pen which is waterproof. it's incredibly soft and really gentle. >> i think a lot of women are afraid to pencil in brows thinking it will make them look older. >> it often does because they use pencils that are too dark. >> so you're like the rembrandt of make-up. >> make sure there are no harsh
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edges, which is one of the big things about make-up. >> reporter: nothing brightens an aging face or brings back definition more -- >> makes a huge difference. >> reporter: the trick is to go for creamy and fresh, not glittery. and no harsh lip liner, think dewy with light gloss in the middle. >> doesn't look like an old lady trying to look younger. >> other girls have been saying, oh, i did this on my grandmother and she looked fantastic and felt wonderful. and that for me is just so lovely. so rewarding. >> everybody wants to be glamorous. doesn't matter what age, you want to feel glamorous. i feel fabulous. >> reporter: nbc news, london. >> and lisa elderedge is with us this morning to demonstrate her make-up secrets on five lucky ladies. lynn, ana, kathy, kate, and judy. you ladies already look pretty darn good. you've got some tips. and is this something easy
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anybody listening can do? >> very simple and quick. i'm going to do fresh, natural day look. something you can go to the shops in or work. >> were you surprised at what a hit this became online and had such a response? >> yes, because all of the videos that i make are inspired by the letters i get. real women with real problems whether it's a teenager's acne or in this case so many letters from women in their 50s, 60s and 70s. predominantly saying i'm scared of make-up. i haven't worn it in years, my skin isn't like it used to be. and i'm terrified of making my skin look worse. so i feel, okay, i'll reply to all of these ladies in the video and it's taken off a lot more than i thought. >> you have basically the 15-step process, right? >> yes. you can make it a bit shorter depending on how much time you've got. >> we're going to actually take the next few minutes and demonstrate and we'll check back in with the ladies to see the after. but let's start here. and what is the first step here?
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>> we've done the base on all the ladies to save time. and the key to the base is something very light. so heavy bases tend to get stuck in the wrinkles. we want it very, very fresh and light. tinted moisturizer is actually perfect. the next i'm going to go on to blusher. i'm going to use a cream blush, which is great if your skin gets dry if you get older. the only lady that isn't going to do this is kathy because lots of older ladies get red flushes and things. i've advised her. she's going to use powder. but blush is so important because it really brings a life back into the skin. and what we're aiming to do. we don't want old fashioned -- but the new formulation is soft and supple. so i'm blending the blusher over the apple of the cheek. and the key really is to make sure there's no harsh edges. lots of light, feathery strokes. >> blending in is --
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>> blending in is everything. you don't need to be too precise. it needs to be soft. use your fingers like butterfly wings. lots and lots of light strokes blending in. and step back because as you're getting older, you might need a magnifying mirror, and the whole process close up and you step back -- >> you want to step back and get the overall feel. >> and keep checking. >> after blush, what do we do? >> going to eyes. an eye primer. a relatively new thing. hasn't been out that long. and this is great for -- you apply it almost like an eye cream under the eyes because lots of the letters, ladies who say i love to wear eye liner but ends up in the creases, everywhere. >> yeah. >> these are fantastic for holding it in place all day. >> okay. >> next i'm going to use an eye pencil. and the key to this. as you're getting older, your lashes become more sparse. i'm going to use a pencil and go right into the almost like the
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roots of the lashes. >> are you under the eyelids? >> almost, not quite. the roots, the lashes. and the tip here really is don't try and draw the perfect line because it's never going to work. >> you're being a very good client here. >> and then just smudge that in. >> okay. >> and the key really is it just needs to -- needs to give you definition without being this graphic line. >> we're going to continue this process, we're going to check in in a few moments. and we'll head outside to matt and natalie. >> all right, savannah, thank you very much. this morning we're going to talk about how to get your windows clean without those annoying streaks. >> and "today" contributor, host of george to the rescue is here. but also the legendary david cassidy helping us out this morning. >> thank you. >> be still my heart. >> natalie, please.
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>> hello george. >> well, david, i'm sure you've had plenty of fans, fingerprints, smudges on the windows. you've had to clean your windows. >> i have. yes, i have. >> you're okay with rolling up your sleeves and helping? >> no, i'm not. i've nominated matt. >> no, we're going to fight over that at the end. show us how to do it right. >> all right. so basically a lot of people go with the paper towel and your glass cleaner, that's not the right way. what you want to do is go with 50/50 white vinegar and water and put it in a spray bottle or literally just a few drops -- >> let me make sure -- >> literally a few drops of dish detergent. >> why is that better, though? >> this, if you think about when you're doing your dishes, you get streak-free, don't get the water spots, mix that up in a bucket. newspaper, if you use newspaper instead of paper towels, you're not going to leave any residue. and i've got a whole set-up here.
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first thing you want to do -- give you one of these. i know you're a neat freak. >> you put a towel down here sometimes, right? >> always -- right here. i've got one right here. you want to dust it off. don't want dust and dirt on there. >> i've got to tell you something, you look good with that. you look good with that. really do. or even better, sweet tea okay. use that. i was noticing the windows here, they have some spots. all right. so i got two big sponges here. here we go. let's go. we've got dirty windows here. i'll be judge. squeegees. okay. here we go. get these out of here. okay. all right. guys, are you ready?
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>> okay. you guys ready? >> start the clock! >> go! >> we got savannah here to judge as you can see. he's going a little quicker than you are. >> okay. well, all right. squeegee. there you are. i want to make sure we're not streaking. >> you going over? >> okay. okay. >> matt. you've been doing this for a while. >> matt, you do this all the time. >> i like it. >> you've got a streak. >> when you're going inside and outside you want to go one direction inside and then the other direction outside so you can see where the streaks are. >> careful, natalie. >> would you mind not -- >> no, no. don't go on my side. >> ah. natalie. >> you think you need a little
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good morning to you. it's 8:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. big changes could be on the way for yosemite. there's a proposal being considered to ban bicycle, horse and raft rentals in the park and it's considering tearing out the ice rink, the art activity center and swimming pools at yosemite lodge and the hotel. the changes are in response to years of lawsuits over what should be allowed in yosemite valley. park officials will discuss the proposals in a public meeting today in san francisco. what about that traffic? >> look at this. this is beautiful. traffic on 880 through fremont is flowing through the area past the truck sails. showing on the maps, you're into the 40s coming down out of hayward through union city, fremont and down off 680. also this crash here just off of 880. but 880 itself moving smoothly
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through hayward and north through san leandro. slowing off the castro valley. san mateo and dumbarton bridge just fine as far as flow of traffic. all the activity is 101 up or down through foster city. >> thank you. another local news update coming up in half an hour. hope to see you then. hello?
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♪ 8:30 now on a thursday morning. it's the 21st day of march 2013, and the calendar says spring, but i can tell you from experience if you live in the northeast and other parts of the country doesn't feel much like spring today. we've got temperatures struggling to get out of the 30s by the end of the day. dylan is here and telling us it's going to warm up by april 1st. i'm matt lauer along with savannah gurthrie, natalie morales and dylan is here for al. meanwhile, david cassidy who just kind of judged our window washing tournament. >> i won. >> he skyrocketed to fame back
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in the 1970s. and he has remained popular with his fans ever since. now, he's auctioning off some great pieces of memorabilia from his storied career. david's going to talk to us a little bit about that in a couple of minutes. there are easter eggs and then there are easter eggs the way martha stewart does it. she's taking the decorating to a whole new level and she's going to attempt to show us how to do it. got great tips coming up. >> my easter eggs at home never look like martha's. >> that's an intervention happening here. then we're going to check out the final results of our make-up makeovers coming up in a little bit. they already look gorgeous. >> and we want to mention that today is world down syndrome day, and this day means a lot to people around the world. and in particular to me, i have an uncle who had down syndrome and was special in my life. to honor this day and all the wonderful people doing so much in their communities, i wrote a
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tribute to him. i hope you'll read it. we put it on our website. he was the love of our lives and a real charmer and it's nice to reflect and remember him today. >> i look forward to reading that. let's get a check of the weather. dylan drier is off on the other side of the plaza. >> there's nothing warm showing up any time soon in the long-range forecast. we've got very chilly temperatures across most of the country and that's not changing. look at the teens across the country. 20s in wisconsin too, 30s in the northeast where we could see a couple of flurries today. the warm air all down in texas. in the 80s and 90s. we're going to see thunderstorms, though, especially northeastern texas where they could be severe into oklahoma, as well. ice across northern arkansas, snow in missouri, snow extends all the way back into idaho and montana too. we are looking for still some high surf out in the pacific northwest. lake effect snow showers. so you kind of get the trend here for today. it's snowing across a good chunk
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of the country, except in the southeast where it's below aver 8:33. we picked up almost a foot of fresh powder up in tahoe above 7,000 feet yesterday. looking good for the weekend. if you want to hit the beach, a great-looking weekend shaping up. rain showers sleering. san jose, you can see what's left of the clouds. starting to clear as well. 67 on the way to livermore. 62 in san francisco. getting into the weekend, the 70s return. really comfortable conditions. tuesday into wednesday, more rain on the way. >> and for your weather forecast any time, you can check it out on matt? >> thank you very much. next month, we will mark the ten-year anniversary of the death of our friend and colleague david blume. the weekend "today" co-anchor was covering the war in iraq in april 2003 when he died from a pulmonary embolism caused by a
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condition known as deep vein thrombosis. his widow melanie blume is the spokesperson which is funded by pharmaceutical manufacturer sanofee. good morning, and nice to have you both here. good morning. >> good to be back. >> ten years, and why don't we start, then, with progress? talk to me about the recognition of this condition and how it's changed over the past ten years. >> well, in the past ten years we established march, the joint commission has mandated safety goals implemented in hospitals across the nation. and we've raised awareness by about 20%, which is quite significant because the year david passed, a study showed 74% of americans were completely unaware of dbt. >> even though we've done this, and we've been happy to do it for ten years, doctor, let's make sure people know what we're talking about.
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when we say dpt. >> it's a blood clot that develops in the legs, the lower extremities, and the complications could go to the lungs causing a pulmonary embolism, which could result in death. >> we know the conditions that david was working under at the time this happened to me. but talk to me about people who are at highest risk of this and most susceptible. >> i think if we look at risk. i think there's personal risk, obesity, age, of course, we can't change, lifestyle. and then there's risk factors such as cancer, medications that cause immobility, fracture of the leg, those are risk factors that patients could have that could put them at higher risk for developing blood clots. >> and what about symptoms? >> you sometimes have symptoms, pain, tenderness, swelling in the lower leg. 50% of the time there are no symptoms, it's important to know if you fall under any of the
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risk categories. and 2 million americans will develop a clot in their leg each year and out of that 300,000 will lose their lives. >> and looking back at some of the information last night, melanie, occurs to me that your girls were 9, twins were 9, and your youngest daughter was 3. ten years ago, they're now young ladies. how are they doing? >> they're doing very well. the twins are freshmen in college and their birthday's this week. so shout out to them. happy birthday, christina and nicole. eva's in seventh grade. i remarried and have two more children. and we've been very blessed and time helps, we think about david every single day. and it's been cathartic and wonderful to know we've saved lives in his memory and honor. >> we think of him, as well, and we congratulate you on the work you've done over the last ten years. doctor, thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having us. >> for more information, head to our website, that is up next, the good cause that has david cassidy auctioning off his personal treasures.
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we'll find out more about that. but first on a thursday morning, this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ natalie's singing. back at 8:39 with the partridge family's hit song "i think i love you" every teenage girl wanted to hear that song in the '70s. >> now david cassidy is putting some of his personal items up for auction to raise money for a cause close to his heart. >> david is here along with martin nolan. good morning. >> good morning. >> we're having a '70s retrip here with the outfits. >> imagine how i feel. >> you could still fit in them. that's the scary thing. >> a little -- it's amazing what happens to your body as you get a little older. but i was, you know, probably 120 pounds at that time. and i'm not sure i could fit into them. but for anyone who is curious, these were all from different
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eras of the '70s. this outfit here was the first one that was made for me. the same person who made elvis' outfits. and you might recognize the fringe. >> yeah. >> from some of the late '50s, this is '70s, early '70s. >> before we go any further, you should mention why you decided to auction off these items. >> indeed. my mother recently passed. she had severe dementia for over seven years. >> wow. >> and in the end, she was really not functioning at all. no parts of her body. so it was basically keeping her alive -- her body finally broke down, but she was 89, it was seven years. so the alzheimer's association of america for all of you out there, i'm sure some of you know how difficult it is for family members and friends, et cetera. >> yeah. >> what i'm doing is auctioning all of these off for all 100% of
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the proceeds are going to go to charity. >> wonderful. >> and for the alzheimer's association of america. 77 million baby boomers, largest percentage of human beings. >> that's right. >> -- in this country. and we just reached a very tiny tip of the iceberg. >> this is a great cause. >> and martin, let me ask you, because i imagine there's a lot of interest already. tell me what you think this auction will do. >> yeah, of course, david cassidy is an icon. how great it is to be talking to him about the outfits he wore. >> oh, come on. >> it's true. it's highly collectible. we sold outfits like these before. onesies. >> onesies? >> that's not the sexiest name to come up with. >> they were made by nudie, a legendary guy who made elvis'
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outfits. he made a lot of the country western. anyway, i wore these on tour and all during the 1970s, they were all hand done and we sold a couple of them for $5,000 $10,000. >> there was a time when -- >> well, tomorrow night they can come and see me i'm in westerly tomorrow night doing a lot of that stuff. >> love it. >> and there we are. >> david cassidy and martin nolan. thank you. >> and savannah, the auction is at the hard rock cafe in new york city. >> may 18th. coming up next, a multimillionaire who chooses to live in a 420-square-foot studio. we'll get his story, but first this is "today" on nbc.
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"today's" money is brought to you by fidelity investments. turn here.
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and this morning on "today's" money we're talking about living with less. you may have noticed a trend in this country where we seem to be building homes that are bigger and bigger. well, craig melvin, this guy right here found another man who was going in exactly the opposite direction. >> good to see you, matt. we want to give folks an idea of what 420-square feet looks like. this is 420 square feet. even by new york city standards, this is small for an apartment. and there's a guy that doesn't live too far from here who lives in this space and he can afford to live far more luxurious, but he contends in life, less is more. >> reporter: graham hill wasn't even 30 yet when he made more money than most do in a lifetime. he sold his tech start-up for millions and decided it was time to start living large. >> i bought a 3,600-square foot home in seattle, and so the first thing you have to do is fill it full of stuff. >> reporter: soon, his life in the late '90s was like a tv show
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popular around the same time. >> that right there is the shark tank. >> the swimming pool. >> welcome to the dog house. >> ludacris got his own football field. >> reporter: sported all the symbols of his new status, swanky furniture, the fast car. but at some point while jet setting around the world, something hit him. >> that process of acquiring lots of stuff relatively quickly and feeling sort of wasteful and not very conscious about the whole thing and realizing that at the end of the day didn't really make me any happier in my smaller, simpler life. >> reporter: so hill decided to start a new life by scrapping the excess. >> less stuff to take care of. less stuff to think about. less stuff to maintain, easier to find things. it's overall simpler. i've always liked having dinner parties and just grab here, lift and pull.
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the office is right here, and so i work at home and run companies virtually. >> where is your refrigerator? >> freezer is here. fridge is here. so this is the bathroom that's basically two different rooms. >> this is a bachelor's bathroom. if you were married, there's no way you'd share this space with the wife. >> reporter: this has become his call. he's written op-eds and given speeches. >> we need to think before we buy. ask ourselves, is that really going to make me happier? truly? by all means, we should buy and own some great stuff. we want stuff we're going to love for years. not just stuff. >> nearly 2 million have clicked to watch his talk. >> people understand that we have supersize and it's not really working for us and maybe there's a better solution. >> reporter: it's also his newest business, he's working on
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plans with a developer. >> i'm trying to take that to larger. i want to build larger buildings composed of small spaces, paired with a lot of community. >> reporter: he points out less space to heat, cool, and fill with things means you could save green while going green. but his motivation for a plainer existence wasn't just about money or the environment. >> i think life's about experiences and about connection and about relationships. and so i think you want to sort of maximize your time focused on that and minimize your time focused on acquiring more stuff and dealing with it. >> now, graham hill does acknowledge that if you're married or you have children, the minimalist lifestyle is a lot tougher, matt lauer. >> i'll say, the older you get, the more you like that no-clutter feel. thank you very much. i would like to try it, craig, thank you. >> thank you.
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>> when we come back, martha stewart's here to make us all feel inadequate about decorating our easter eggs. but first, this is "today" on nbc. for your first day? yeah. ♪ dad: you'll be fine, ok? girl: ok. dad: you look so pretty. ♪ i'm overprotective. that's why i got a subaru. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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martha on "today" is brought to you by macy's. >> and we're back at 8:51 with martha. fun and festive ways to decorate your easter eggs. martha stewart is here with a few of her ideas straight from
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the pages of "martha stewart living." >> good morning. we have so many great easter basket ideas. and easter is early this year. so there's not going to be much hunting in the snow, i don't think. >> that's right. >> it's nice to make really nice projects inside and maybe have a little easter basket give away at your house or make some pretty centerpieces. >> cool. >> the first one, you're going off type here, we see pastels. >> i know, but how beautiful. these look like those fantastic eggs that are done with wax and elaborate process. well, this is transfer. choose your imagery and we have a lot of stuff in magazines you can print on to a transfer paper. that's commonly available. and then cut them out and i'm having them soaking here in the water. and here is an egg and the transfer comes right off the paper. look -- >> kind of like one of the kids tattoos. >> oh, it is, it is, and it's so easy to apply.
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make sure you use some of this nice spray adhesive. and then, once it's dry, you lacquer it with a brush on water lacquer. >> they really are pretty, martha. >> aren't they gorgeous? >> hard boiled or blown out? >> either. >> tell us about this large egg. >> these are cardboard eggs that were traditionally used like in germany and different places in europe for candy. the kids were given these beautifully decorated eggs. so we took the cardboard, painted them with a nice color and then when you put a little bit, you can do that one if you'd like. >> okay. >> put a little bit of this glue. >> yes. >> water glue on the egg and then glitter. >> oh, cute. >> really embellishes them beautifully. >> great. >> just a clear glitter, all available at the craft store. >> all right. >> and see how pretty? >> do you brush off the excess? or it falls off? >> it falls off. beautiful. you have to cover every
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single -- >> oh, martha. >> i've embellished these with beautiful things you can buy at the notion store. >> and you get to use a hot glue gun. >> mind your ps and qs, my friend. >> these are so cute too. these wooden eggs, these are good craft budgets for kids. the kids can hold the egg like this and you can paint the whole egg. why don't you paint it a pretty color. >> what kind of paint do you use? >> this is a craft paint. it's satin finish. >> okay. >> once they're dried like that, then you can apply -- and look at these cute punches. look, look. hold it this way. these are bunny punches. my granddaughter is using these punches, she's only 2 and can do them. >> gluing them right on there? >> and just glue it on the egg with the nice water glue.
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>> okay. >> and put the glue here and pick up your little rabbit. >> and then you use cardboard things to shield the paint and allow them to dry. >> and dry that on there like that. and the kids will have such a great time. >> i don't want to miss this one. talk about this with the cartons. >> yeah, this is beautiful. clear eggs. now, i have eggs that are made this color, do you know that? >> i've seen your hen house. >> you want to make them look like wild duck eggs or something, take a toothbrush like this and dip it in and keep the egg right here. i use upsidedown egg cartons, whatever. and you can go like that. too much paint on there. >> you're speckling them. >> speckling them. you can use your finger too if you want and speckle colors. and they turn more naturally. >> she wasn't kidding. she has chickens that lay wild-colored eggs. >> pretty. >> and you can apply these stickers on to your eggs. they just stick right on and
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they look so pretty. >> you did a great job as always. >> what fun. >> bring the eggs. >> check out how our make-up makeovers have turned out. >> well, these ladies look spectacular. lisa elderedge has worked her magic. and you look gorgeous. do you feel different? >> i feel glamorous. >> you do look glamorous. >> she made me feel very good. >> what's the trick here? >> soft colors. when your hair goes gray, some of the colors you used to see, the warmer colors, the goldeny browns can look harsh. i stuck to cool tones which blend in well with hair color. >> all right. and let's see some of our other ladies. kate over here and take a look at her before picture and the after. let's see that if we can. we're running out of time. you see how gorgeous she looks here now. we also have ana over here. and judy, you also did a great job. you look beautiful.
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finally here at the end. ladies, amazing, and lisa, well done. >> thank you very much. >> beauty should be simple. >> it's ageless. beauty for every age. >> thank you so much. ladies, you look great. and just ahead, baby pr
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welcome to "today" on this thursday morning, march 21st, 2013. winter will just not go away in the northeast. pretty chilly morning out there in the northeast. we appreciate them sticking around for us out there. braving the temperatures. it is spring, so we keep saying -- anyway, our special guest this morning, martha stewart decided to stick around and help us out. we always have fun with you. let's get right to it. we're celebrating a big birthday today. not one of ours. >> i know. i know. >> i'm an early adopter. i was there the first day. >> really? >> i love twitter. it's such a great news medium. instantaneous contact with the public, and you can -- and you learn everything so fast. >> it's quick.
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>> i was very late in the process of embracing twitter. >> how many followers? >> i have no idea. 175,000. >> i have over 100,000. >> i'll be excited when i get to 12,700. i'm new. just so you know. >> i have over 2.7 million. >> oh, no big deal. >> whoa. >> and they're all great. i try to tweet about five minutes a day. i do it whenever i can think about it. i did it this morning for the "today" show. >> it's great, because from you we always get great advice. the founder back in 2006, march 21st, he sent out the tweet that said, at jack, just setting up my twitter. that launched a revolution. and to mark the occasion, twitter's also sent us some of our favorites, some of our most retweeted tweets. this is when i was in baltimore.
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i wrote, i bet these ravens fans can tweet louder than al roker's 49er fans. retweet this if you're tweeteding for the ravens. february 21st, 2013, the friday before the super bowl. the ravens won. >> did you keep that hat? >> i do not have that hat. >> jason, you also had a good one. >> we talk about justin bieber on enews all the time. i thought since we love justin bieber, why don't we just make it a holiday and get the day off work. so i asked my bosses, and they laughed at me. >> but people retweeted they liked it. >> so i was good with that. >> dylan, when you joined nbc news, that was a big deal. >> i had been keeping it secret for so long. and like we talked about facebook official, and then it was twitter official. and i was hired for meteorologist for weekend "today."
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>> i love martha's tweet. this was retweeted about 1,900 times. >> i think i said something about, don't use too much coriander in your meatballs in a national commercial. and people picked it up. and then, of course, meatballs become other kind of balls, and -- >> whoa. >> it went crazy. >> i didn't even know you put coriander in meatballs. >> well, you can. it's a more north african taste. >> what is coriander? >> want to smell that spice? >> thank you. >> that's a great smell. >> it works every time. >> don't you think he should tweet a picture of this great suit? >> i appreciate that. thank you. >> would you care to try the coriander meatball? >> do you want to try it? >> i'll try it. >> just a little sprinkle. >> moroccan, middle eastern flavor. any other advice when it comes
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to meatballs, or balls of any kind? >> just be gentle with the formation of the meatball. and -- >> be gentle with the balls? >> a sensitive topic. >> i'm so glad my mouth is full and i can't talk. >> are you surprised how much love that tweet got? >> no. because people are always looking for something that's a little humorous. and humorous the way it's presented in the commercial. >> and twist martha stewart's words around. this is one i think a lot of people have been waiting to see this once again. tina fey reprising sarah palin. she brought back sarah palin's impression, take a look. >> what about -- i know this is a touchy subject. same-sex marriage, what is your view on that? >> well, the bible says it's gross. >> no same-sex marriage?
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>> marriage is meant for people who wear different kinds of swimsuits. >> what do you think of tina fey's portrayal of you? >> it's the best one i never watched. >> it never gets old. >> she does that so well. >> she jumps into it so easily. >> i know. i just love her as sarah palin. she's just great. of course, she's a huge hit on "snl." she was doing that a lot in 2008, and got huge fans. tina fey has a new movie coming out this weekend. >> and also, lauren michaels' doorman said, you know what, tina fey looks like sarah palin, so i hope the guy got a big tip. >> the doorman always knows. that's what it comes down to. so true. let's talk about take three. this is all about aging. and allure magazine conducted this poll, about 2,000 people respo responded, 1,000 men, 1,000
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women, on their feelings about the latest issue. according to the respondents the ideal age is 31. >> that's a good age. we're both 31. >> you haven't even experienced the better ages. >> what would you say? >> the day that i went public with my company, sitting down on wall street, ringing the bell, i was in my 50s. >> wow. >> and, you know, so rich. i felt rich. >> dylan, we've got 20 more years. >> there you go. >> no pressure on us at all. >> i think when they talk about people who have aged gracefully, along with martha stewart, you have george clooney at 51, meryl streep, they're the ones that get better with age. >> and meryl, do rg the acting jobs that she's doing now, even more spectacular than her earlier acting -- i mean, it's
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amazing. she's incredible. >> better with age. >> there's a difference between how men and women feel when it comes to who looks best at what age. what men say a woman is at her most beautiful at 30. and a man apparently is at his most handsome at around 34. so you still have a good three years to go. >> three more years. okay. >> you should be treating yourself every day. >> i get facials every day. >> no, tweeting. >> oh, okay. >> it also gets into sex later on in life. it gets better with age. martha, care to tell us how -- >> sex is good at any age. >> and on that note -- >> on that note. perfect. we made a lot of headlines with martha stewart. thank you. >> that's great. you have a check on the news, right? >> let's get to our headlines this morning.
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president obama said that we cannot give up on the search for peace in the middle east. this after meeting with palestinian president mahmoud abbas in the west bank. the president said the u.s. is deeply committed to an independent and sovereign state of palestine, alongside israel, achieved through direct negotiations. overnight, another sign of volatility in the region. militants in gaza fired rockets into southern israel. today president obama also addresses israeli youth. a manhunt is under way in colorado following a brazen and deadly attack on the director of the state department of corrections. tom clements was shot and killed as he opened the front door of his home on tuesday night. officials are now looking for a car seen near his home before the shooting. investigators have no suspects, and no motive. as early as today, the house is expected to vote on a budget bill that would avert a government shutdown. the senate approved the bill wednesday. it would fund the government until the end of september and
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ease some but not all of the recent sequester cuts. today, a leading pediatrician's group is endorsing gay marriage. a child's health and well-being benefits from a stable relationship between parents regardless of their sexual orientation. a new poll finds 49% of americans now favor same-sex marriage with 44% opposing it. the supreme court takes up the issue next week. vice president joe biden is making a renewed call for gun control during an appearance today with new york mayor, michael bloomberg. and families from newtown, connecticut. on wednesday biden said the white house is still pushing for congress to pass a ban on the so-called assault weapons, even though the senate has dropped the measure from its gun control package. and one truck driver figured out how to make a big delivery with no heavy lifting. without leaving the cab of his truck, he used some
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not-so-delicate maneuvering to deliver a truck load of bamboo in taiwan, doesn't even get his hands dirty apparently. delicate objects. but it worked. very effective. he did it. >> 30 seconds? >> yeah, no time at all. and you're up to date now. it's ten minutes after the hour. and here's dylan with our weather. >> we're still talking cold. that's going to be a broken record for a while. but we're also talking some snow. look at our windchill temperatures. that's a big story. because it feels like it is below zero, up across minnesota, into wisconsin. most areas feel like we're down in the single digits in the northeast. we do have the big dip in the jet stream. this is not the pattern you want at the end of march, that's for sure. we had freeze warnings across the carolinas, into georgia and northern florida. it is going to stay very c
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that is exactly the weather we want. take a look at this beautiful day shaping up. we're on the good end of that jet stream. temperatures are going to warm up getting into the weekend. fairfield, 69. 62 for san francisco. we have rain on the way. that will keep our pollen levels at bay next week. but they'll creep back up on sunday. tuesday and wednesday, our next round moves in. have a fantastic thursday. and that. >> is your latest forecast. >> thank you, dylan. us a trick when it comes to easter eggs. and the one thing you do is blow out the egg yolk, right? >> well, if you want hallowed out eggs. you can use the egg, use a clean bowl, clean tools. this is a skewer and you make little holes on each end of the egg. >> on each end. >> you have to hold it delicately. >> these are an actual tool. >> that's a great tool and you can make the little holes.
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>> and this is so you have easter eggs that last. >> i'm being aggressive? >> and just kind of squiggle that in. >> if you work over a clean bowl, you can use the egg itself. once you get your holes, then use the skewer. did you break your egg? >> i almost broke my thumb. >> scramble the egg inside because it makes it easier to blow it out of the hole. >> okay. >> then use this little black tool. these you buy at the craft store and blows out the egg. watch. starts coming out there. >> oh. >> you don't have to put your lips on it anymore. >> you could, if you don't have this tool. >> okay. i only have three forks at home. i still couldn't do that. >> so -- >> i've got eggs --
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>> yeah. >> harder, see. you're doing very well. >> that looks gross. >> wow. >> it's very good for your lungs. >> ew. no more. don't suck in, okay. >> this works a lot easier. >> you're doing very well. >> and then wash it out with warm water and dry them and then you're ready to color them. and then when -- >> there you go. >> you decorate them and keep them for years and years and years. >> love having you around, martha. >> uh-oh. >> if you over blow the egg, that happens. >> martha stewart, thank you so much. up next, baby products grown-ups should use. we'll be back in a second. that was amazing. ok. this color is
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crazy gorgeous! tina just fell in love with nutrisse nourishing color creme from garnier. richer? check. more radiant? yes! shine? don't mind if i do. with avocado, olive and shea. it's actually nourishing while it colors... nourished hair means better color! and grays... 100% outta here. want rich, radiant, crazy gorgeous color? get garnier nutrisse. nourished hair, better color. you better believe it. garnier. take care. minute maid pure squeezed light has half the... sugar and calories of oj with great taste. i mean, who doesn't want to cut calories and look better naked? you roll around in your birthday suit all day. you're not even wearing a produce sticker. minute maid pure squeezed light.
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[ female announcer ] hey ladies, you love it, you gotta have it. cinnamon toast crunch. 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. [ slurps ] [ chuckles ] everybody craves those crazy squares. and there's juicy chicken best foods is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy so delicious it's your secret to making dinner disappear best foods. bring out the best
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♪ this morning on "today's" beauty, baby products that are great for adults. everything from sunscreen to face cream and lip balm. the contributing editor for "lucky" magazine. good morning. >> good morning. it's very specific. how does this work for adults, as well? >> well, you can actually steal products from your kids. we encourage it. i want to say at the top, these things aren't going to reverse wrinkles because they don't have those potent ingredients in them. as you mentioned, they're really good for sensitive skin, hypoallergenic skin because they don't have parabins.
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>> i have been known to use when my kids were babies this on me, as well. >> this is the product kicked off the whole trend. this super sensitive sunscreen. it's $39.99. and what's so great about it, most adult sunscreens are chemical sun block so that can really irritate sensitive skin. this is a physical blocker, so it has titanium dioxide which is like that thicker -- >> the whiter stuff. >> and that is a physical blocker, super sensitive. steal that from your kids, especially for your face. this is one that i, being a mom of a 1-year-old, i'm obsessed with. this is tickle time. putting sunscreen on them can be like wrestling a worm. it's so difficult. >> the eyes and whatever. >> pick this up. you can see the bloom of powder. this is powdered sunscreen. and what's interesting about this. a recent study was done that showed that most skin cancers, doctors are finding that on the left side of adult faces and on
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hands because when you're driving. this is the perfect thing for a mom to keep in her car because with lotion it gets greasy, on the wheel. and there's a debate about whether or not the heat leaving it in the plastic in the heat changes the composition. that's a great thing -- >> tell me about this cream. >> i love this cream. it's really soothing. a lot of dermatologists are finding what ages us is irritation, skin irritation. so you want something that's really calming. this is the perfect thing because a lot of calming really nourishing ointments can clog your skin. it's very soothing, but also antiacne. >> smells so fresh. >> for under $13. whole foods, yes. >> wonderful. tell me about the balm. >> so this has no artificial ingredients. it's incredible. >> for diaper rash specifically. >> it is. you know how rough those can get. >> where are we using this? >> anywhere. for razor burn it's amazing,
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cuticles, all over head to toe, really affordable, as well, under $13. this is a make-up -- >> i'm a fan of these. >> yeah. this is a make-up artist's save. every editor at "lucky" has one of these in her bag. under $10, super nourishing great for lips and cheeks. >> this is designed for mom and baby. it has shea butter in it and unlike most lotions for adults, it's quick drying, fast absorbing and super nourishing. >> and then finally over here, we've got the -- >> if you have color-treated hair or any kind of treated hair. you heat, style, treatment, you don't want to use things, it's super affordable again. >> okay. >> and this i love, coconut oil, leaves hair really shiny.
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it's all natural, just has coconut oil in it. super clear. i'm going to put a little bit on my ends. really nice and shiny. can use it even on stretch marks. >> fantastic. love it. thanks so much. >> thank you so much. >> and still to come, easy easter crafts with soleil. but first, these messages. when you're at the corner of "i'm a new parent" and "i have no idea what i'm doing," you need a hand. well, walgreens is innovating to help. by making prescription refills this easy. and we're bringing our pharmacists out front to answer your questions. at walgreens, we'll do more than help you get well. we'll help you stay well and live well. because that's what it really means to be at the corner of happy and healthy. with totino's pizza rolls. and now when you buy one 40-count bag, instantly get a free bottle of sun drop or sunkist soda.
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andd with animals after your local news. the solos are comple...te you are e pithg to her blanket. that's not brencakindag, that's break-up dancing. don't give up on uamerics a, we're not done yet! now two must dance as one. you won't run into the top ten appliance brands just anywhere... only sears carries them all. hurry in and get up to 30% or more off appliances with your sears card this is sears. lawith canola oil is made withr sweet cream, canola oil and salt. just three simple ingredients. what's in your spread?
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good morning to you. it's 9:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. this morning, fog may be to blame for an overnight crash sending two people to the hospital in san francisco. it happened near west portal muni station. a couple was crossing the street when they were hit by a vehicle. police are not saying if fog was the cause of the crash but they said it played a role in a number of crashes around the bay area last night. >> it's been quite a foggy evening out here in the sunset, probably the rest of the city as well. so we've had a few accidents earlier in the evening. nothing with any serious injuries. it was mostly all property damage. but it has been quite foggy and a little drizzly. >> police say the man will be okay. the condition of the elderly woman with him is still unknown. after the break, a look at weather and traffic.
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good morning to you. the time now, 9:28. i'm meteorologist christina loren. taking a live look at campbell.
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camera shaking a little bit here near the water tower. i wanted to point out how clear it has become over the past hour. that's because of the those building winds. they'll continue to build throughout the day today. 67 for livermore. 67 in gilroy and 61 in beautiful san francisco. full sunshine today and a warm-up as we get into the all-important weekend. let's check your drive. >> equally clear view of the city and the traffic. north 880 past the coliseum, look at the map. it is jammed up. there's a crash that is on the southbound side of 880. things were tied up. four lanes for a time blocked. things starting to clear. both directions slow for 880. south 880 getting through fremont, it's bogged down by a new crash south of mission. look how slow it is. that's a live look. it's jammed past tesla. >> thank you very much. another local news update for you in half an hour. hope you enjoy what looks like a nice day out there. [ mom ] dear chex cereal,
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i just had to write. you can't imagine how long i've been searching for something like this for my family. i'm amazed you make so many great flavors that are gluten free. my guys are crazy for chocolate chex and honey nut chex. for me, it's cinnamon. it means a lot to be able to give them something that's good for them, that also puts smiles on their faces. 'cause i really love those smiles. we're the harris family. and we love chex. [ male announcer ] love chex? connect with us on facebook. did you see this today?
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president obama filled out his ncaa tournament bracket and picked florida, indiana, louisville and ohio state to go to the final four. man, crazy that it's been four months since the election and he still needs florida and ohio to win. >> good one, jimmy. well, even the late night comedians getting in on the march madness. going on in every office around the country right about now. still in the brackets before the game starts, of course. i'm natalie morales along with e!'s jason kennedy. we're getting a little wild in the studio. we've got a spider monkey, a kamanjua. that's the name spider monkey, right? we've got really cool exotic animals. the diaper always helps. going to extremes to find these animals. >> it may be extreme for me to make some easter baskets and cupcakes. we're going to give it a shot. >> you were better with your
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eggs than i was with mine. >> thank you. there's our friend soleil moon frey. >> we've got light fish tacos, my absolute favorite. >> i love them. >> i love them so much. and how to make them easily. but first, dylan again is here with the weather. >> well, going back to the brackets, i had to double check mine with president obama's. >> and are you final? >> we both have them for the win. over kansas. >> a lot of fans and friends in kansas today. >> not so much, but the weather, though, that's where the snow is. not a huge fan weather wise out that way. we are looking for heavier rain and thunderstorms to fall across parts of oklahoma and texas too. we're going to see still those gusty winds in the pacific northwest and another snowstorm up through montana. moving into wyoming, idaho too, and then tomorrow, all of that rain is going to start moving eastward from kentucky right down into georgia and into the gulf coast states. we are going to see showers and some stronger thunderstorms, lake effect snow continues and
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more snow continues to fall back across montana and into wyoming. but the west coast should dry out and we should start to see some warmer weather move back into california after a couple of rainy days and it stays ho the in southern good morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. the time is 9:32. beautiful green hills of sunol. the rain yesterday purified our air quality. lower pollen levels. a beautiful day shaping up. today, good air quality. tomorrow, good air quality as well. through the end of the weekend, we are going to see our air quality suffering. the pollen levels creeping back up. 67 in livermore. 64 in san jose. 61 in san francisco. a warmer weekend ahead. >> and that is your latest forecast. natalie? >> all right. dylan, thank you. this morning, we are starting a new series called "today" takes a turn where we try our hands at something new. and today soleil's going to help
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us out. >> yeah, help us out with easter baskets. first off, i know you have two daughters at home. >> i have two daughters, we celebrate every holiday in our house. eastover we like to call it. passover and easter. we are gearing up, getting ready for easter and we're going to make fun baskets. >> okay. we're going to start first. you say it's good to fill the basket at the bottom first with something else besides candy. >> exactly. we love using recycled goods in our house. these are recycled magazines and this creates a nice full layer and we're going to put the pretty moss on top. >> i'm doing this? okay. >> go ahead. have fun. we're doing craft baskets because our household is all about crafting so we have our stickers. >> okay. >> and we're going to rubber stamp here. how cute is this? and we have our little hang tag. >> you like to put a tag on the top. >> i love putting a hang tag. and how cute is this? i love taking mason jars also. >> you like to layer everything in there too.
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>> go ahead, throw it on in. having fun with the kids. >> little basket. getting creative. these are adorable and i filled them with candy. >> is there a proper way to put this stuff in there? >> having fun. the most important thing. not throwing them in there. >> don't forget your peeps, everybody needs those. >> love those. having fun with the kids, engaging them, getting them involved. i love things like craft baskets because you have your yummy candy but also things kids can play with. and then i'm going to show you the cool things over here. jumbo cupcakes. >> i just want to eat the candy. >> flowers, you can take flowers from the garden and decorate with flowers. how cute is that? >> i have so many things i want to put in there. >> here we had the jumbo -- >> delicious. >> how cute is this? >> you can find these forms in any craft store. >> now we are going to go to
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town and start decorating away. first you bake it and you can use any cake recipe and then you're going to ice in the middle. and all around the outside. and then we have all of these fun candies over here. >> see, i had to put my layers together first. >> and you can decorate them like crazy. >> i've never seen one of these before. >> yeah, you can get a big jumbo cupcake pan. that's fun. my kids are into it. it's a whole new thing with cakes. and then you're going to start decorating your cupcake with your kids. >> this is something that kids love to do. not to mention eating the candy as they're decorating it. >> we can start decorating it and making it fun. we're all about getting messy in our household. >> sprinkles. >> jason likes to get messy. >> right? >> yes. >> we're doing the jumbo cupcakes. >> you do the sides too or just
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the bottom? >> you can do the sides. let them get involved. we love baking in our house and we want to encourage it's not about perfect, it's about perfectly imperfect and having fun with them. >> look at the finished product. did you put a chocolate bunny on the top? >> chocolate bunny and gummy bears. it doesn't have to look perfect, the kids have a great time doing it and it's a family fun adventure. >> good idea. thanks so much. as i keep decorating here. love this. >> thank you. coming up next, grilled fish tacos. we were talking about that earlier. some of the south of the border flavor. we're going to mix it up, change it up. >> looking forward to that. can i eat this now? >> yeah. of course. [ female announcer ] the best thing about this bar
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it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar.
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the new fiber one minute maid pure squeezed light has half the... lories of oj with great taste. i mean, who doesn't want to cut calories and look better naked? you roll around in your birthday suit all day. you're not even wearing a produce sticker. minute maid pure squeezed light. the cheese judges awarded cracker barrel a gold for cheddar. and that's high-praise. because after tasting wheels of cheese, wedges of cheese and bricks of cheese... our aged reserve's rich, full flavor was considered... the champion of cheese. cracker barrel. it's cheddar, perfected. now you be the judge. enjoy a champion cheese, anytime. now you be the judge.
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go olive garden! bring your appetite. bring someone who shares your appetite. for our 2 for $25 italian dinner. start with unlimited soup or salad. then choose an appetizer to share. now for the main course, choose 2 of 5 new creations, like new tuscan garlic chicken. or our new hand-rolled sicilian seafood lasagna. three courses, two people, just $25. go olive garden! and try our new lighter fare menu. five delicious choices under 575 calories. dare new color tattoo 24 hour metal shadow from maybelline new york exclusive metallic pigments in a cream gel... for molten hot 24-hour power color. get inked with color tattoo metal by eye studio ♪ maybe it's maybelline♪
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are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool. only from progressive. this morning in "today's" kitchen, melting pot sizzling fish tacos. he's known for his judging skills on the food network shows like "chopped" and "chopped all stars," he's here sharing a lighter spin. welcome. >> thank you for having me. i'm delighted to be here and i want to enlighten everyone on a traditional dish. >> you're making grouper fish
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tacos, right? >> well, it's a firm fish and we have one here that's a whole filet. you want to make sure it's firm, no smell, it has to sort of smell of the ocean. and i think it takes flavors really well. in this case we'll use a little chipotle down the road. and we're going to cook it in such a way and skewer it so it's easy to eat. >> in there like that. >> exactly. >> and then you're going to put it on a hot griddle. >> and this has a little oil on it. and a little salt. >> okay. >> and just season it like that. >> you're making a great chipotle. >> exactly. just a little bit of salt to bring out the inherent flavor. and then you can put some on the top. look at you go. >> i've got a future on "chopped." the first one chopped. >> exactly. what we have to use is a glaze. a little bit of chipotle, a
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wonderful dry smoked jalapeno. >> not all that spicy, right? >> no. it's about a four on the scale of ten. lime zest. here's a wonderful honey substitute, a sugar agave nectar and a little bit of cilantro. and some residual oil from the roasted garlic and the cloves. nothing better and sweeter in the world than roasted garlic. and once we have that, we're going to zap it up. >> okay. >> you're a pro at this. >> yeah. >> you get the idea. >> make that glaze, right? so these are still going. >> exactly. >> how long does it take to cook through? because you want it to be not rubber. >> yes, you can always tell because it's going to be firm to the touch. and before, big mistake people make at home, as well, they put on their barbecue sauce too soon. just glaze a little bit like that. and once we have that nice and seasoned, what we're going to do, take this over here to the plates and we're going to start to assemble some tacos, okay. >> all right. easy enough. >> no big deal.
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we'll turn that off. and this is a real important part, natalie, when you're making tacos is how they're assembled and all the different layers of flavors. we're going to take a couple tortill tortillas. always corn. it's better for you. the only time you use flour -- these are hot. a little bit of that, the glaze is already there. and if you could be so kind as a nice spoonful. >> all right. >> and i used the skewers for this reason. when you can remove it like that, it's super easy to eat. >> that, the mango, little arugula. >> cilantro, radish, a couple here i've done. sometimes you can go with an avocado. >> love avocados. yep. >> and i'll catch up because i'm behind the game a little bit. >> pickled onions. >> that sounds delicious. >> and this is one of those recipes really user friendly, use them whole. >> grouper is such a mild flavored fish. now, you also have over here, what is that? >> a little zucchini apple salad
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dressed with a little bit of peruvian chiles. all great stuff. >> before we take a bite, i'll say thank you. a call out, by the way, to all the chefs out there. we are starting a new feature on our website where we are displaying the dishes you cook at home. if you make these tacos or any recipe you see on "today," take a photo, tell us what it is and tweet it with the hash tag cooking with today or go to and your picture will be featured on our website. >> thank you very much. coming up next, exotic animals. we're going to the extremes with them after this. how cute. look at those ears. used a contractor before and didn't know where to start. at angie's list, you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. no company can pay to be on angie's list, so you can trust what you're reading. angie's list is like having thousands of close neighbors where i can go ask for personal recommendations. that's the idea. before you have any work done, check angie's list. from roofers to plumbers to dentists and more,
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get your first full prescription free and save on refills at ♪ this morning on "today's" call of the wild, getting up close and personal with animals from all over the world that go to the extremes. jeff, good morning. >> good morning, how are you? i hear this is your first animal segment. >> yeah, no big deal. >> i've fallen in love already. >> natalie's met the spider monkey. >> bella she's beautiful spider monkey from south america or mexico. >> and the reason it's called a spider monkey. >> is because of those very long arms. i know she loves me.
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wants to come back. >> she does love you. she's going to give you a hug. >> what's up with the no thumb thing? >> their fingers are double length of ours so the thumb would get in the way. >> and a really long tail. they have prints. >> yeah, sorry, i'm not getting fresh with you, but the tail there's a print on the end of it. >> like a fingerprint. >> and no monkey has two of the same. >> that's bizarre, so cool. and really -- it works. >> she wears a diaper because she has projectile poop, which is always fun. >> you want to take her? >> yeah, a couple times a day. >> let's check out our next animal. anteater. >> this is amazing. his name is slurpee. >> anything projectile i should know about? >> no. they do have about a 12-inch tongue, it's like a strand of spaghetti. they're called the stinker of the rain forest.
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for many reasons. one, because their body odor is kind of like a skunk, and number two, they -- >> go ahead. just get in there. >> it works every time. it's like a skunky odor. but they also -- they toot a lot, if you will. so they're the stinkers of the rain forest. >> do they make good pets baa uz they eat ants and termites. >> it would be good if it worked out that way, but they're rare and you can't get your hands on them. you can't go to a local store. >> plus they stink. >> pretty stinky, these guys and sharp claws for grabbing on stuff, holding on. >> are they usually this coloring too? >> these are the northern mexican anteaters. >> you're hilarious, you're like this, it's beautiful. no, that's okay. >> you can get in there. >> that's okay. i've been here a little bit longer than he has.
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now let's take a look at this. >> these guys are awesome. come here. >> does this do anything that smells or stinks? >> they could take a small finger off, but you'll be fine. >> they hate their smell. so we give them high-end dog cologne. they don't like their smell. look over here. >> so they will rub up on other smells from objects. >> fruits, vegetables, things like that, and they can eat venomous snakes. fruits, vegetables, pretty much amazing. >> who are you wearing? whatever's at the dollar store. the question is what are you wearing? she likes to steal things too. >> oh, great. >> they're incredible little guys. from south america. up in the trees. like a north american raccoon, like our raccoons, but they're from south america. >> and the extreme here being i
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would imagine the ears when you see these guys. >> yeah, these are incredible. look at this. it looks like yoda met the taco bell dog. >> can i touch? not going to bite my finger off? >> yeah. i'm sorry. i had to break you in, it's the first show. i went light. i went easy. i went easy. sorry. i'm sorry. >> it worked on me too. >> i'm sorry for that. >> very mean. they don't need water for their whole life? >> no, they can live their entire life with no water, they get the moisture from the food they eat. if they get a bug in the wild or a piece of grass whatever, they'll get that moisture right out of that. >> that's all they need. >> these are incredible. it's called a shingleback. and its head, it's a lizard and the head looks like the tail. so if it folds up like this, animals walk up to it and it's like go ahead, pick a head, any
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head. and it's a carnival game here on the "today" show. if you grab the head, it's a dead lizard, if they grab the tail, he'll regrow another one. >> thank you. >> no problem. thank you, guys. i appreciate it. >> we'll be back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios
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has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean,
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jason, since you're so good with animals, i think she needs a diaper change. >> you would. >> come here. >> coming up, ryan seacrest, a [ female announcer ] it balances you... it fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious. with simple, real ingredients, like roasted peanuts, creamy peanut butter, and a rich dark-chocolate flavor,
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plus 10 grams of protein, so it's energy straight from nature to you. nature valley protein bars. good morning. it's 9:56. i'm marla tellez. the scenic drive over the golden gate bridge could become a little faster once the bridge goes cashless. take a live look at the bridge right now. electronic tolling is set to go into effect in less than one week. this morning, the bridge district will hold a public hearing to discuss raidsing the speed limit for the toll plaza from 15 miles per hour to 25. other bridges in the bay area have limits of 25 miles per hour
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in the fasttrack only lanes. if approved, the new speed limit would take effect when that electronic tolling system goes online next wednesday. meteorologist christina loren, we see the blue skies out there. she has a look at the forecast. >> we have a good-looking day shaping up. cloudy to clear skies. good air quality, lower pollen levels this weekend, warmer even more so. the rain and the cold return next week. 67 degrees today for livermore. 69 in fairfield. and 68 degrees in concord. this weekend, the low 70s return but not for long. we'll drop your temperatures back to the 60s bringing that rain tuesday and wednesday. let's look at the drive. >> traffic frozen up here 880 southbound. this is a live map. two crashes south of mission boulevard. still have one lane blocked, crawling from newark, the dumbarton bridge down past the scene. northbound routes through san jose, clearing up except for 85
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north at 280. look at that jam coming into cupertino. late back-up. back to sh the it shall. [ male announcer ] pillsbury grands biscuits. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce...
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and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. [ malcrrkkhshziiiizzlllee. to this symphony of flavor: beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast. ithe words are going thisst. way-there's no way. oh, the lights came on. isn't technology supposed to make life easier? at chase we're pioneering innovations that make banking simple. deposit a check with a photo. pay someone with an email. and bank seamlessly with our award-winning mobile app. take a step forward... and chase what matters.
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hey, everybody. it's thirsty thursday, march the 21st. kathie lee is off and guess who has made it. she claimed on twitter she was hung over and wasn't going to make it. you also claimed you were going to be drinking, which you will. she is our friend, actress and comedian whitney cummings. she's hanging out with us today. >> this is going to be a disaster. >> is it? >> there's already five lawsuits coming. i just said coming. i'm already screwing this up. i'm so sorry in advance. is this rufied? i hope so because i'm exhausted. >> the last time you were here -- >> i don't remember it. news to me. >> i've got to point out the crowd. this is unusual. most people know who join us at 10:00 there's not usually this
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kind of a crowd outside our studios. usually by the time we come on, these people are gone. >> these are all debt clesholles and people coming to serve me papers. >> now, whitney came scrambling down here when the show was starting. and it was because you wanted to be sitting next to something else. >> oh, my gosh! >> look what's happening here. would you please hand this to whitney. >> this is my new boyfriend. >> i'm married. >> by the way, you're not afraid of commitment, the perfect kind of man for me. hi! i mean come on. hello, baby. >> her name isabel bella. she's a black-handed spider monkey. >> she's embracing my boso mcm. >> look at this little thing. i think this would be the perfect mate, rioght? >> the bacterial infection sets
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in in 24 hours. >> i just gave bella a bacterial infection. >> what kind of a monkey is she? >> blackhanded spider monkey from south america. >> oh, oh, oh, oh. >> okay, okay. >> she just told you off something fierce. >> "planet of the apes" is having a little panic attack right now. >> what's wrong, little buddy? >> she's upset you didn't have a drink for her. >> she probably smelled me and didn't like it. >> have a great day. >> bye, sweetie. >> see you tonight. >> we should point out there is a show on nbc called "whitney." it's all about you. >> right. >> it airs wednesday nights on nbc at 8:00/7:00 central. not only do you do your own show with you in it you're in another show called "two broke girls." that one's a home run too.
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>> one broke girl did a show called "two broke girls" and that worked out. we just had the best time and wrote a bunch of jokes that i can't say this early in the morning. >> all right. now yesterday we had anthony anderson on. >> who else did you have on? >> dulay hill. >> i'm your third black man you've had on co-host so far. you have a type, i like it. i have a much bigger -- than those guys. >> dulay got us 5,000 likes on our facebook page. anthony anderson said that was nothing and he brought it. he brought us 7,000 more likes. so starting right now -- >> on facebook? >> on facebook. so starting at 10:03, every like that happens from now until 10:00 tomorrow are all for your people. i know you have a lot of twitter
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followers. >> you know what, i'm more of a myspace girl so i can get you guys a lot of followers on myspace and on those are where most of my fans are. i can get you some linkedin invites. i don't know about facebook, i'll try. >> whitney wants you to like us on facebook. >> yeah, like us on -- love me -- i just want people to like me. that's all i really care about. do it on facebook and life, i don't really care. we have sad news for ryan gosling fans. he is taking a break from acting. >> taking a break from acting. which is kinds of like if you saw drive, he took a break that entire movie. he was sitting in a car for two hours. it was like sexy nascar in slow motion. it was like broke. can you do something? can you talk or say something? >> what about "the notebook." >> i don't know. crying in the rain. i did that my entire childhood. >> what about "crazy stupid love." >> i did like that movie.
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i didn't like how ripped he was. i don't like men who are -- you know, have bigger, you know, pecs than me. i like them skinny and maleable and controllable. but he was so tan in that movie. i don't like a man who tans or shaved. he looked like he groomed, which i know a lot about you in that area now. so maybe you guys go to the same person, the same girl. i don't know, you and ryan gosling from the waist down look exactly alike from what i understand. and i'm not complaining. like me. like me on facebook, like me on facebook. like me, like me, like me, like me, like me. do it. >> anywho -- >> but i did hear he was in the running to be on "fifty shades" -- >> who do you think of him in that role. >> i think he'd be great. >> i think he's sexy. >> he's a little young for me. >> what's your kind of guy? >> old and senile and sort of, you know, rich.
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and by the way, deaf. only deaf men will date me and i think you can all see why. i like their hearing and their vision to be a little blurred. i like them to be kind of crippled so they won't go anywhere. look at these men, these are my type. >> by the way, it's snowing. >> it's snowing outside? >> the second day of spring and it is snowing outside the window. >> i knew there would be cocaine on this show. taylor swift has revealed something. now, taylor, you guys know, is always talking about the guys she breaks up with and puts them in songs. there's a song she has called "i knew you were trouble." and she's revealed in a publication somewhere that the guy that she's talking about is in fact harry styles of one direction. look at harry. >> i mean that hairline goes straight from the eyebrow to the forehead. he needs to go to your waxer, i think. >> stop! now some people thought the song was about john mayer. i knew you were trouble when you walked in, so shame on me now.
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flew me to places i've never been and now i'm lying on the cold hard ground. troubles, troubles, troubles and it goes on like that. >> first of all, get off the cold hard ground. get up, dummy. and she's saying that harry stiles is trouble. he's in that band one direction, he's 19. he's had one erection, okay? he's a child. i mean how bad could it -- i don't know. he's so young. how much trouble could he really be? >> you're getting in more trouble right now. >> i'm just saying he can't even boat yet. oh, no, she's coming in. >> okay. now, we have a crawl running. >> a crawler. >> whitney would like to apologize for what she is currently saying, what she is going to say. why is there -- and i'd like to apologize for whitney. so i'm doing it for you as we go. there's a new study out that talks about women and beauty, okay? >> yeah. >> it says that a woman's beauty
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peaks at 29. it's some "allure" magazine poll. they say women are the most confident, this is an interesting stat, sexually between the ages of 19 and 29. >> that is ridiculous -- you're not confident at 19, you're just a slut and desperate for people to like you. like me on facebook. like me, like me, like me, like me. 19 to 29, you're unconscious. you're not confident. >> when did you become confident. >> it's all a blur. back when i was 52. but now that i'm in my early 70s, i'm finally feel pretty good about myself. that's silly. >> that's what they say. >> 19 to 29 you're sexually confident? no, that's when you're most insecure. >> yeah. >> and they say men are the most confident 50 to 59. >> really? >> yes. all right. we have to show this perfect nose. this is the nose that everybody wants. >> okay. >> this is -- and we're going to see if you can guess the nose. >> the nose?
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>> women who want a nose job are asking for this nose. so take a look at it. >> oh! >> and tell me whose nose that is, because that's the nose people -- we're going to pull out in a minute, so you have five seconds, four, three, two, and who is it? >> that is whoopi goldberg. >> okay. let's pull out. kate middleton. >> i see. >> we're going to play a game, guess the nose. okay? we've got to play it. we're going to show pictures and guess whose nose it is. name that nose. this is nose number one. i already know it. >> i know it. >> kathie lee gifford. >> is that kathie? >> pull it back. no, i had to go ahead and guess it quick. >> i love that. >> all right, next. >> oh. that's judi dench. >> pull it back. oh, my god, tom cruise. nice try. let's go for the third. oh, i know it.
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come on. barbara strra streisand. >> you are so good at this game. >> i'm a good nose picker. all right, nose number 4. >> that doesn't look like nose. >> owen wilson. he's gotten punched a couple times. >> here's the last one. >> sandra bullock. >> let's see if you're right. >> pull it back. >> oh, my god. that is so stupid! i just kind of think i look like sandra bullock, no big deal. >> and i love how you said it so quickly. >> my nose looks better there. >> you have a good nose. >> here's a song for you. i get to play one song every thursday. >> okay, right. >> and this is one, it's old school. so it's not new and fancy, but it's a little old rap. >> we listen to it together? >> i'm going to see if you like
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it. crank it. give it all you got. ♪ >> do you know this one? when you were in college those three years? >> you were thinking i was in college. ♪ jump on it, jump on it, jump on it. ♪ >> i think i should dance like a t-rex because i'm sweating. >> anyway, i'm -- >> by the way, again, i don't dance like a black man, that's for sure. >> we are going to be back, you guys. we have swept them off the plaza and into hair and makeup. >> and, oh, i'm fired? great. >> but before that two lucky ladies show off their hot new looks. >> ambush makeovers right after this. you are ridiculous! ♪
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♪ ok. this color is crazy gorgeous! tina just fell in love with nutrisse nourishing color creme from garnier. richer? check. more radiant? yes! shine? don't mind if i do. with avocado, olive and shea. it's actually nourishing while it colors... nourished hair means better color! and grays... 100% outta here. want rich, radiant, crazy gorgeous color? get garnier nutrisse. nourished hair, better color. you better believe it. garnier. take care. i'm amazed you make so many great flavors that are gluten free. my guys are crazy for chocolate chex and honey nut chex. for me, it's cinnamon. we're the harris family. and we love chex. my skin loses moisture nearly twice as fast as yours does, mom. that's why you use johnson's baby lotion twice a day to keep my skin baby soft. you've really got this "mom thing" down.
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♪ people have been daring them to clean up tough messes. my fans think a paper towel can't handle this. ♪ that is tough when wet. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules
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on all your tough messes. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules hers hey'on all your tough messes. 's is more thanrab viva and break the rules hers chocolate. it's an invitation. to stop and savor. when the chocolate is hershey's. life is delicious. plus the perfecting color of a bb cream equal? introducing the newest beauty trend. total effects cc cream c for color. c for correction. [ female announcer ] fight 7 signs of aging flawlessly. cc for yourself. ♪ i woke up to a feeling ♪ every little thing has meaning ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we always make our kraft singles with milk, and no artificial flavors, so you can be sure there's no single thing better for your grilled cheese. ♪ life is amazing ♪ with the love that i've found ♪
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♪ ♪ it's time for our ambush makeovers. two unsuspecting women get plucked off the plaza for a head to toe transition forms. sing along with us -- >>. ♪ >> okay. >> whitney, you have a new career. >> i have a whole new career. no, my career's ending right now. >> so is mine. >> we also have "today" contributing editor and style watch, my girl, miss jill martin. >> that was perfect. >> there she is. you have fun finding >> it was a great day. as always, the crowd was great. we found two people who really wanted makeovers. >> and it's freezing. they were happy to be inside. >> i bet. let's start with karen edings. she is 59 today.
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she's from california. she has had the same look for as long as she can remember. she was so thrilled for the opportunity to get a brand new look. >> she looks like a blonde -- >> yes. david said, "i'm happy to be inside." that's the first thing. you're also excited for this, for your wife. >> i'm delighted for karen. she's been dreaming of an opportunity to be on the "today" show for years. here we have for your 59th birthday. congratulations, sweetheart. >> he said, please don't make your hair straight. but you like your hair straight, what do you think? >> i like my hair straight -- i wear it curly for him. >> all right. we're going to surprise you. what do you think? >> okay. please. thank you. >> we're going to see if davey liky. david is right there. he's got his blindfold on. please keep it on until i ask you to take it off. >> david, we need to shave that mustache. you look like a serial killer. >> here is karen edings before. ♪ >> karen, come on out. [ cheers ]
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>> all right. david, are you ready? david, take off your blindfold. ♪ >> she's right here. >> he can't find her. >> wow! >> karen, are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> spin right here, honey. >> oh, my gosh! >> you look awesome. you look very sexual. >> i think he's going to buy my a diamond. >> i think so -- look right here. >> all right. >> tell us about the hair. >> okay. first of all -- karen has the most beautiful hair in the world. it's a given for her. her hair was going gray. she did highlight it, but it didn't do anything. looked like more gray hair. we put blonde all over. we gave this great cut and look at the difference. she can still wear it curly, by the way -- >> david, do you like it? >> i love it. >> tell us what he said -- >> looks like i'm going home with a new girl. >> enjoy this while you can. she's about to leave you. >> but she can wear it curly or
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straight. >> tell us about the dress. >> i love this dress. >> maggie london. it's like a fake wrap dress, but it just wraps perfectly. this is great if you wanted to accentuate your waist. >> a big round of applause for karen. join your husband right over there. who's next, girl? >> next, we have diana johnson. she's 51. she's from lima, ohio. she spends most of her time aiding senior special needs students. that's a lie. and it leaves her little time to focus on herself. we decided she deserved to be pampered. let's listen to her story. >> okay, you keep saying goodness, gracious, help me. help me. you're grabbing on to me. tell us how you're feeling. >> i'm very nervous, sorry. >> no, tell me why you're nervous. >> being on tv and stuff. >> okay. you're nervous about being on tv. what about a whole new makeover and a whole new look? >> that, too. yeah. >> you're pretty much nervous about everything. >> yes. >> i want to say what a cool mom you are. we're going to meet your sons. their names are soda pop and river. real names. >> that's right. yeah. >> after -- >> soda pop is from the movie
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"the outsiders." and river is from river phoenix. >> all right. we're going to make you look as cool as your sons' names. what do you think? >> that would be great. >> here she is. she's with her sons -- that's not what i'm doing. is that what i'm doing? yeah, look, all the blindfolded children. that's them. that's the next "taken" stallment. she's here with her son soda pop and river. she's going to have great style. but her kids' names are soda pop and river. we'll have child services come in any minute. take one last look at diana before. ♪ >> and let's bring out the new diana! [ cheers ] >> looking good. >> foxy! >> all right, kiddos. >> take off your bloindfolds. >> oh! >> sexy mama, right? it's awkward in here. getting uncomfortable. >> i haven't looked at myself
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yet. >> she's crying. >> you haven't seen yourself yet. don't cry yet. don't cry! >> oh, my god! >> you look beautiful! aww! >> you look amazing. >> so pretty. >> you look so beautiful. >> i'll get tissues -- >> it's okay. i've been crying all morning. you look gorgeous. you happy? >> yeah. >> why don't you sit down here. sit in my seat. >> she has naturally brown hair. she tried to make it blonde, it turned a little reddish. i said, let's go with the red. it's, again, a soft, natural red. we shaped the haircut around her face, took off several inches, and all the make-up is by enido. soft, natural. less is more. >> what do you think? you like? >> yes. >> she looks beautiful. she does. >> we tried on a few dresses. so pretty, from london times. big trend for spring, blue and green. you can have navy, all different color blues. >> she looks great. come on out, karen. big round of applause for our
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ladies. [ applause ] coming up, he's a grown man who cannot handle diaper duty. >> we'll check out sarah's latest webtastic video. there's a lot i had to do... watch my diet. stay active. start insulin... today, i learned there's something i don't have to do anymore. my doctor said that with novolog® flexpen, i don't have to use a syringe and a vial or carry a cooler. flexpen® comes prefilled with fast-acting insulin used to help control high blood sugar when you eat. dial the exact dose. inject by pushing a button. no drawing from a vial. you should eat a meal within 5 to 10 minutes after injecting novolog® (insulin aspart [rdna origin] injection). do not use if your blood sugar is too low, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms such as sweating shakiness, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be serious and life-threatening. ask your health care provider about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions
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and low potassium in your blood. tell your health care provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions such as body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat, or sweating. flexpen® is insulin delivery my way. covered by most insurance plans, including medicare. find your co-pay cost at ask your health care provider about novolog® flexpen today body washes with paper that reacts like skin. if others can strip this paper, imagine how harsh
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they can be to your skin. oh my gosh. [ female announcer ] dove is different. its breakthrough formula changes everything. dove. this is care. that's why we removed high fructose corn syrup from yoplait light and original. anything else we can do, let us know. but let's keep it to yogurt because we shouldn't really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good. i know just where they are. because we shouldn't really help with your love life. youthcode dark spot correcting skincare from l'oreal paris addresses key discoloration issues 86% of women saw less dark spots. treat dark spots youth code from l'oréal paris
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it is time for webtastic when we dig up the best video to share with your friends. >> we hear it's gross. i love it. diaper prank. >> that's what you like. >> what do you do when your friend is afraid of changing a baby? when you're jason hunter, you surprise him with a "dirty diaper." that's what it looks like. it's actually chocolate pudding. spoiler alert. >> jason! jason! i'm. >> i'm not kidding, dude. flush it. >> chocolate poudring in a diaper. this guy literally has a phobia. >> it's just -- >> he starts screaming. >> a www w! >> he swears he could smell a dirty diaper. >> jason! no! >> i don't know.
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>> go, man. >> he literally is squealing at some point. >> you know when you get the drydry heaves. >> he had himself totally convinced. when you see the baby, the baby's this adorable, innocent thing. this guy seriously has -- [ screams ] >> look at the baby. >> i know. >> all right, kiddos. we're going to be back. you and i are going head to head. funny, yes? no. there's nothing mini about me. i'm huge. ahem. any hoo. even my wrapper has a wrapper. flavor? i'm bursting with it. creamy? i ooze it. quality like this... (muffled):...doesn't come everyday. well technically it does because i'm in the grocery but... ooh, how you doin'? rich. creamy. and 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. sometimes all you need is the wow... sometimes all you need is the smooth creamy taste of werther's original caramel
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to remind you that you're someone very special. now discover caramel apple filled werther's original. bury yourself in the flavorfall of sweet icing and filling. [ hounds calling ] call off the hounds, rescue is unnecessary! pillsbury toaster strudel. [ whisper ] the snow day of breakfasts. good morning. it is 10:26. i'm marla tellez. it is march madness. and the big dance is coming to san jose this morning. new mexico state will take on st. louis at the hp pavilion in just a few minutes. about 50 minutes from now actually at 11:10. the eight teams playing in san jose got a chance to test out the court yesterday. among them, cal, which starts their quest for the final four at 4:37 this afternoon against unlv.
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the golden bears are the number 12 seed in the eastern region. saint mary's will be playing today but all the way in auburn hills, michigan. they play memphis at 11:45 this morning. fans will gather at dryden hall to cheer on their team. there will also be a watch party at pete's tavern in san francisco. got to love the enthusiasm. te
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the time is 10:29.
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beautiful sunshiny day over sunol. you can see the hills get to stay green a little bit longer because of the rain that came through. we have good air quality. feel free to open up the windows in your home. highs right about average for this time of year. 67 in livermore. 68 in concord. 63 right here in san jose. it's been a rough commute in oakland this morning, mike. >> yeah, just as oakland was getting better, fremont kicked in. now fremont is getting better here. but look at the map, the farther back we go, more problems coming off the dumbarton bridge. another crash just cleared there. slow drive 880 south through fremont. 680, that's just fine. north 85 was really dramatically slowed down. all but one lane closed for over half an hour. it's cleared around stevens creek boulevard. the south bay, the tough spot is 85. 280, a great option. >> we'll have more of our day's top stories coming up at 11:00. we hope to see you then.
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we are back with more of "today" on this final show of ours on this thirst-day thursday, since kathie lee is out, actress and comedienne whitney cummings is here and we're about to get fooled on all sorts of etiquette for situations. are you mocking me? >> apparently someone thought we needed an etiquette test, i can't imagine why. >> we're going to play this game, when push comes to shove, what you do. so the master of etiquette, robin abrams is here, she'll put us to the test. she's a columnist for the ""boston globe"" magazine and the author of "miss conduct: mind over matters." >> are you ready? >> yes. >> first question, it is not polite to talk about money. through or false?
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>> true. >> excuse me. that was not polite. >> so the answer is true. >> it's rude -- >> to talk about money? >> i had no idea. >> false, it is not rude to talk about money. >> we need to do a grammar quiz of this show. >> i did not know we were going to get hung up with a double-negative right away. >> you're not supposed to? >> you're not supposed to, but it's not rude. >> how else are you supposed to find a husband. i need to see your tax returns, your income statements? >> it's all about due diligence. >> question number two, i am single and i received a wedding invitation and i received a wedding invitation addressed only to moi, may i call and ask if i can bring my boyfriend, yes or no. >> i'm going to be single forever, so this doesn't apply to me. yes. >> yes, what? >> true. >> true what?
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you can or cannot. >> you can call. >> you cannot. >> how dare you. >> you're not allowed to call and bring a plus one? >> no. >> bring them anyway, who cares. >> you also don't have to bring a gift. >> good to know, that's obvious. >> it's still 0-0. the worst game ever. >> number three, it is appropriate to discuss a co-worker's body hair on live television, true or false? >> a co-worker's what? >> body hair. >> oh, true! love it! >> false. >> i started to say false, and i get a point. >> all right. 0-0, again. >> a wedding gift should cost about as much as the per-guest price of the wedding itself, true or false? >> false. >> what did you say? >> thank you. >> if a train is going 50 miles
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an hour -- >> you still tip your waiter 20%, it's that simple. >> this one, i know you guys are going to get this one, true or false. it brightens a woman's day when a strange man tells her to -- smile, baby? >> that's the worst. >> true or false? >> do they have money? is this a stranger? am i working? >> i was not told this was going to be one of the remedial quiz shows. >> it's -- >> i thought -- >> no more college bowl level. >> no one ever wants to hear someone say, smile, baby. >> hey, everybody, like me on facebook. >> everybody give whitney validation, please, so she'll stop hitting things. if i see somebody double-dipping at a party. i should discreetly mention it to the hostess. >> double dip with the sauce. >> it sounds very sexual. >> i hate to steal it, but you're not supposed to say anything to the host about, or to the person about
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double-dipping. >> not to the person, but you should say something to the host. it's the hygiene measure, especially in the flu season. >> let's do the last one, double or nothing. >> what do you do -- >> i'm going to get a point -- >> true or false? >> false. >> wrong. >> it was true. >> i won. >> the loser gets the prize. >> the loser gets the prize. >> oh, my goodness. >> look what i get? >> a used copy of this book. >> read it, live it. >> we all know i'm illiterate, do you have a book on tape? >> who to stay healthy, after this. better, kind of angel soft®. it's now built with two softshield™ layers. when wet, new angel soft® is one, two, three times stronger than the leading value brand. well done, angels! stronger, holds up better...
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all wrapped up in a value you love. new angel soft®. now stronger than ever. hershey's drops. perfectly bite sized drops of rich & creamy chocolate happiness. when the chocolate is hershey's, life is delicious. crow's fmeet your match.? new garnier ultra-lift targeted line smoother. with hyaluronic acid and pro-retinol from nature. skin looks tighter and smoother in just one use. even better over time! for the tough ones? this one's tougher. garnier targeted line smoother. like other precious things that start off white, it yellows over time. when it comes to your smile, if you're not whitening, you're yellowing.
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crest whitestrips whiten as well as $500 professional treatments. guaranteed. crest 3d white whitestrips. guaranteed. honey, don't use your sleeve. for cold and flu season, there's clorox bleach. it fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life.
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in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious. i had[ designer ]eeling enough of just covering up my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone -- and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months, and keeps it clearer through 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events, including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever,
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bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel. mr. wiggles and curling irons. for the little mishaps you feel, use neosporin to help you heal. it kills germs so you heal four days faster neosporin. also try neosporin eczema essentials. neosporin. new almay smart shade mousse is like smooth velvety magic. it instantly transforms to my perfect shade and gives me a flawless, airbrushed finish. hey, everybody, it's time for today's health, the growing popularity of wellness apps, calorie counters. >> there are some apps that promise to heal or diagnose medical conditions? >> here with everything you need to know is sasha, the health and
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features editor for "women's health" magazine. hi, sasha. we were talking about how we like to go on web md to diagnose our symptoms? >> not only are people doing that, but now they're turning to health apps right on your phone. you're feeling something, you look it up, there it is. the problem is, there's over 40,000 of these things. and a lot of them claim to treat or cure medical conditions. which usually -- is kind of sketchy. so you want to be careful with which ones you go for and which ones you ignore. >> you have four that you like that are good ones. one of them is called -- >> angry birds? >> no. >> besides angry birds. >> what is this -- >> first aid by the american red cross. a reputable source. this is really cool. if you're ever in an emergency you can just log on and say you burn yourself cooking, right. here we go, a video, step by step of what to do and then lots of illustrations,
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frequently-asked questions, you can kind of solve any problems yourself. >> that's a question when you burn yourself. >> should i burn myself? >> the first thing, no. no burning. so another one that we like is called i-triage, this is like an encyclopedia of all kinds of medical knowledge. and the cool thing about this is that you can also find a doctor near you. say you're in a little bit of trouble. you know, say you need a dermatologist, stat. so you can search and they'll come up right near you. so within your area. plug in your zip code, you're good to go, that one is pretty neat. >> i've been to all of those people this morning. >> there's one called um skin checks. >> this is from the university of michigan, a great comprehensive site for all things skin cancer prevention. they have a risk calculator. you tap on that and you can put in where you live, gender, you know, and then sort of scroll
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down, they've got all sorts of questions at. and at the end they tell you how careful you need to be in the sun. the last one is health taps. can you interact with doctors live from your mobile phone. >> can you date them? >> it's basically dating. >> we could try that, yeah. >> you can ask a question and you hit submit and then within 24 hours, an actual doctor will get back to you. maybe it will be a love match. for medical question, you can scroll done and see ha other people have asked. very interactive, very cool. >> sasha, thanks so much. >> you know the easter bunny may not want to do it -- well, fun things to fill the easter baskets, after these messages. , walmart's everyday low price is lower than their sale price. that's awesome!
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green bean casserole is a big easter dish in my house. really? yes, and right there... cream of mushroom soup. oh, here you go. that's what you put in it. yeah. there's your price, walmart will match that right at the register. nice! i did not know they did that. you looked through all those ads, walmart matched the prices. wow! that's the walmart low price guarantee backed by ad match! save time and money. bring in ads from your local stores and see for yourself. save time and money. now from l'oreal...a most exclusive haircolor collection... preference paris couture. all new shades designed by l'oreal's master colorist, christophe robin. each sparkles with layers of shine. rose gold blonde...iced golden brown merlot. preference paris couture. from l'oreal paris. her long day of pick ups and drop offs begins with arthritis pain... and a choice. take up to 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. all aboard. ♪ we don't spend money inventing phrases like "triple jumbo giant roll" to tell you scott 1000 has 1,000 sheets. instead, we give you deals and rewards
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when you join scott shared values. sign up at see... 1000. and there's juicy chicken best foods is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy so delicious it's your secret to making dinner disappear best foods. bring out the best but how good are they for the rest of your face? [ female announcer ] new neutrogena® naturals acne cream cleanser with acne-fighting medicine from the wintergreen leaf. this effective cleanser cleans into pores. treats and helps prevent future breakouts. without dyes, parabens, or harsh sulfates. for clear healthy skin. naturally clear skin has never felt so beautiful. [ female announcer ] new acne cream cleanser. only from neutrogena® naturals.
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♪ happy easter
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>> time for happy easter today, and filling special easter baskets for your kids. >> they're usually all about the candy, but with a little imagination you can create a theme for the little ones in your life, which i'll never have. >> all for less than $20. debra thumb is the founder of these are all creative interesting new ideas. can you do them on the cheap? >> absolutely. super mom 360, we're all about real moms and the reality is most of us are on a budget, right? these are all great baskets, most of the containers you can find in your house already. and all of the contents are under $20. >> this looks cute for the little athlete in the house. >> this is the fit and fun basket. we filled it with all sorts of great goodies. instead of candy, let's skip it and do granola bars and trail mix. with my kids, i got healthy little kids. >> they love it. it's good for them.
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>> tennis spears? do not say that word, it is a dirty word. >> what's up here? >> for the little diva in our lives, this is the beauty basket. look at all this stuff. just go to your local dollar store, filled with all sorts of -- >> i have a lot of dollar bills -- >> for my night job. >> yeah. >> and are we allowed to talk about money? >> i think we decided we are. >> we can talk about the dollar bills. >> be careful, this could get expensive if you have a real diva on your hands who wants to you go to one of the fs. very cute. >> you can build this out depending on the age of your kids, all sorts of fun things, glitter glue and sidewalk chalk and make things a little educational so they can learn something. >> a little bin you can get from your drug store. >> my easter basket was like an ashtray. that's what i got.
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>> that one's coming. hopefully we'll make it to that one. and then we've got our green thumb basket. this is fun. with spring, it's here. it's warmer in san diego where i'm from. i have to tell you. >> this is i know, a little chilly. >> can you use it for your hair. >> and shampoo. >> and we do have one little candy item, little gummy worms to go with it lots of cute stuff here. and then this works in san diego, here it's wishful thinking, but we'll get there eventually. we have our fun in the sun, fill it with little beach toys and sunglasses and we have of course, swedish fish. >> are those in there? yes. >> those -- >> they're just your size. >> why are these my size? these are for like a 5-year-old. am i a shrinking person? >> your head is small. >> it was all of those clinical trials i did to pay for college. i'm like benjamin button, i'm getting smaller.
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>> and last we have our baker-to-be basket. this is for the aspiring chef. all of those shows are all the rage these days. you fill it with cake mix and frosting and sprinkles and all of those goodies. i regifted this. this is something that someone gave to me. i used it for a basket. but don't tell anyone. >> now they know. >> sprinkles, which is my stripper name, actually. >> a passover feast in the kitchen. >> and lots of something -- matzo spear south and latkes. >> first, this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ ♪ >> time to take you into today's kitchen to find out what's cooking now. we've got a traditional passover meal on the stove. >> jewish families will gather
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on the table for passover seders that usually include matzo ball soup. >> here to show us how it is done, is the soup diva of atlanta, her name is jenny levinson. >> jenny would say she's built small and short, so someone decided to get on her knees. >> it's the shiksa, wendy. >> i'm a very good person. >> it's whitney. >> i want people to know my name. >> what are you cooking? >> we're going for the matzo ball soup here. first we're going to make chicken stock. >> first whitney -- >> not wendy. >> kathie lee, we're going to put everything in there. we'll put the whole chicken in, we have some carrots, celery, onion. that's what i do. >> just add the liquid into
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that. >> hoda, take care of her, will you? >> i can't. >> so how much water are you pouring in. >> water, three inches over all the veggies. >> this is, don't put the pitcher in, just put the water. >> i can totally do this. >> pepper corns? >> that's for decoration. you'll bring that to a boil and let it simmer for about 45 minutes to an hour. take all the good stuff, the chicken out, and cool down your chicken stock, put it in the refrigerator overnight and then start making our matzo balls. >> i am offended. >> part of the matzo balls, we're going to take the schmaltz off. this is the chicken fat, and we'll add it to eggs, we've got our matzo meal, a little salt
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and some water. >> i need to get a jewish husband. so i need to really watch this. >> i'll set you up after the show. >> and then this is going to be for whitney. she's going to love this. get your hands a little wet. >> well, you can do it. >> careful. >> and i'm going to bring you this. now the trick to making good matzo balls is not to work the balls too much. >> by the way i'm very good at this. how do you think i got a tv show. >> so all you do, you're working your ball too much. >> stay on course, stay on course, people. >> you make these nice round spheres. and then you put it in your boiling stock. but we've added more carrots, celery, onion. >> let it go, honey. put it in the soup. >> put it in the soup. >> put it in my mouth? >> no, i know. >> we've got the carrot, celery and onion. and we have this gorgeous soup at the end. >> this is delicious, let's try
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this. >> these are fabulous sort of a healthy version of a potato latke. it's got spinach and some zucchini. >> she's like, these are for animals. >> oh, my gosh. >> that's amazing. >> and the soup is good. >> that's great. >> great for passover. i want to give a big thank you -- >> to all the lawyers for nbc. >> whitney. >> i am now banned from television forever. >> this may be our final show, but anyway, i want to thank you, and tomorrow, molly ringwold is filling in for kathie lee. and actor gerard butler will be here and an performance by cirque du soleil. >> this is my farewell. [ male announcer ] listen to this symphony of flavor:
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crrkkhshziiiizzlllee. beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast. with totino's pizza rolls.
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and now when you buy one 40-count bag, instantly get a free bottle of sun drop or sunkist soda. it's on. let's roll.
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the search is on at this hour for a former high school baseball coach accused of molestation. i'm christie smith. that story is coming up next. and the debate over possible changes coming to yosemite national park. taking center stage in san francisco later on this evening. what the national park service is trying to ban. and i'm bob redell. we're here in the south bay, just ten minutes out from the kickoff of march madness. we'll take you live to hp pavilion coming up. this is a live look at the city by the bay. the rain is gone for now. but temperatures will heat up again just in time for the weekend. meteorologist christina loren joins us in just a few minutes. good morning. thanks for being with us. i'm marla tellez. >> and i'm jon kelley. good morning, everybody. a bay area baseball coach, a wanted man this morning. joel kaufman worked with teens
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from the south bay to the east bay and he has been charged with molesting a teenage boy. now authorities issuing a warrant for his arrest. nbc bay area's christie smith joins us live now from san leandro. that coach owns a batting cage there. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jon. this is joel kaufman's business, and the sign here says closed until further notice. business owners in this strip tell me they didn't see him much but the place was very active in the amps. he's been charged with molestation, lewd acts on a child under 14 and secretly taping another child. the contra costa district attorney says there is another charge of sexually penetrating a drugged individual. we have a photo of him when he was arrested in august but then no charges were filed pending the completion of an investigation. he was most recently head coach of california smoke baseball club. the website shows his picture. here in san leandro,


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